La Versanne It is generally a matter of luck whether
you come back from your drive to the Rhone and, presumably, the Riviera, with memories of what you see from the road near La Versanne. If you are above the clouds and they are them- selves low, you will have the impression, from that unique bend in the road, of a desert of cotton-wool. If they are high you will see no more than you would from a London-Paris aeroplane in winter, a vague blur in a haze. If they are half-way and rising after a storm your memories will be of the kind called imperishable. It is about 12 miles south of St. Etienne on the National road, 82 from Roanne to the RhOne at Tournon, part of the best of the roads to the Mediterranean, and you should arrange to get there before mid-day, indeed as early as possible.