SIR,—Your editorial 'Is It Peace'?' puts Soviet cultural exchanges into
their proper context. It is significant that almost as soon as this latest Anglo-Soviet ex- change agreement was signed in Moscow the Soviet radio should start accusing us of lacking good faith.
Moscow Radio has even gone so far as to allege that we cannot get such Soviet magazines as Culture and Life and International Affairs in Britain. One only has to go to Collet's excellent Russian book- shop to see how silly such allegations are. Can it be that Moscow Radio underrates the services of the Soviet publishing houses' agents abroad?
Whether we want to subscribe direct or to obtain Soviet publications from the bookshop--I can buy the monthly Soviet Union from a news-stand here in Leamington Spa--our choice is only circumscribed by the Soviet export list. And even if we cannot he bothered to do this, we can see the Embassy weekly Soviet Weekly on public library shelves all Liver the country. Moscow Radio's correspondent in London ought to look around for himself.--Yours faithfully,
53 Lansdowne Crescent. Leamington Spa, Warwickshire