The official return of the public revenue, for the year
and quarter ended on Monday, has elicited gratulatory observations from all parties—except those whose obliquity of vision sees the advancement of ruin and demoralization to the labourer, where others descry increasing comfort. The increase upon the year amounts to no less than 1,660,6474 ; and upon the quarter to 686,2211. The income of the year ended in January 1828, was 46,64,1,6751.; for the year just closed, 48,305,3221,—showing the increase we have just stated. The principal improvement is to be found in the Excise, which in the present quarter presents an excess of 794,3951. The chief decrease has been in the pro- duce of the Customs ; and is chiefly if not wholly attributable to the transference of duties formerly paid under this head to the Excise. The increase on the Irish revenue for the whole year is anticipated to amount to about 400,0001.