We have no arrivals from the East since our last, except the Caroline, Hare, from Batavia. The first Company's ships of the season have been despatched this week as follows:—via. Buckinghamshire and Herefordshire, for Bombay and China, and Bridgwater and Lady Melville, for Bengal and China.
Arrived. Off Dover, Jan. 3d, Caroline, Hare, from Batavia for Antwerp, sailed Aug 27th, and from Mauritius, Sept. 23d. At Teneriffe, Nov. 15th, Robarts, Cor- byn, from London, for Bengal, after having thrown overboard about twenty-live tons.of Spelter in the Bay of Biscay. At Rio Janeiro, Nov. 2d, Jupiter, Welby, from London. 10th, City of Edinburgh, Mackellar, from Leith, and Diadem, Wilson, from London, all for New South Wales.
Suiled.—From Gravesend, Jan. 2d, Maria, Cobb, for Batavia. 3d, Runymede, Wildridge, for Bombay. 7th, H. C. ship, Herefordshire, Hope; and Bucking- shire, Glasspoole, for Bombay and China. 8th, H. C. ships Bridgwater, Blander- son ; and Lady Melville, Clifford, for Bengal and China ; and John, Freeman, for Madras. From Liverpool, Jan. 5th, Ontario, Arnold; and 6th, Royal George, Grant, for Calcutta. From Clyde, Jan. 4th, Fortune, Gilkison, for Rio and Bombay.
Spoken.—Columbine, Tuit, from London to New South Wales, Jan. 2d, long. 6 west. Spartan, Lumsden, from Liverpool for Calcutta, Dec. 28, lat. 43 north, long. 14 west. • The Barrel, Metcalfe, which left the river for Bengal on the 6th inst. has put back to the West India Docks to discharge, having been ashore near the Oaze Sand.
The London, Fotheringham, from Batavia for London, put into liarbadoes 9 Nov. having been totally dismasted on the 8 October, in lat. 30 north, long. 33 west.