Tractatus Varii Integri ; a Selection of the mdst valuable Productions of the Fa- thers of the Church during the first four centuries. By the Rev. Dr. Turton, Re- gius Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. A Plain and Short History of England, for Children, in Letters from a Father to his Son, by the Editor of the Cottager's Monthly Visitor. Some Account of the Writings and Opinions of Justin Martyr, by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln.
The Rev. Dr. Kennedy, Lecturer of Greek in the University of Dublin, is pre- paring a new edition of the Agamemnon of JEschylus, to be accompanied with the German Version of Voss, and a new English Translation in blank verse, with copious Notes, Critical and Explanatory, and Indexes.
The Rev. S. Wix has a volume of Sermons, on the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer, nearly for publication.
The Rev. W. Lisle Bowles is engaged on a Life of Kenn, Bishop of Bath and Wells, and invites possessors of documents or letters relating to that eminent pre- late to communicate them. Professor Habicht, at Breslau, is now publishing an edition of the Arabian Nights in the original idiom, after a Tunisian manuscript. The Prussian General Minutoli, already well known by his Journey in Egypt, intends publishing a Glossary of the Siam Dialect.
blossley's Plain Sermons, 12mo. bds. . 0 5
Nance's Sermons, 12mo. bds. . . . . . 0 a Davis's Hints to promote a Profitable Attendance ou at Evangelical Josephine's Memoirs, English, Vol. II. Svo. bits. . 0 10 What is Luxury? post Svo. bds. . . . . 0 8
Wolf's Journal, Vol. III. Svo. lids. . . . . 0 8
Vincent's School Atlas, 8vo.hf.-bd. . . 0 12
Fincher's Interpositions of Providence, l2mo. bits. 0 6 East's Sabbath Meditations for 1829, 12mo, bds. . 0 3
Essays on Universal Analogy, Essay I. Section II. Svo. bds. . 0 8
Pinnock's Young Gentleman's Library, I8mo. bds. . 0 7
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Ellis (The) Correspondence, 2 vols. Svo. bds. . I 8 Christianity, Protestantism, and Popery compared, Svo. bds. 0 7
Stewart's Farewell Discourses, Svo. lids. . . . . 0 5 The Oxford Atlas, with illustrations, 4to. coloured, Si. Ps.; plain,
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Ministry, second edition, Sd. or 511s. per 100. 0
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