STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.-The opening of Consols and the payment of the Dividends have caused a great deal of business this week, but the transactions upon the whole have not been marked by any precise or decided character whereby we might judge of our future prospects. Mo- ney is abundant enough, but not to overflow, and the payment of the Dividends has not produced those magical effects which the eager imagi- nations of the speculators for a rise had expected. We suspect, indeed, that those effects have been already, and long ago, anticipated ; and (if we might judge from the predominance of sales of Stock for the account over the purchases this afternoon) the speculators would seem to be of the same opinion. In point of fact, the highest price of Consols this week has been only 873, which is but S per cent. beyond that of Saturday last ; and before the close of this after- noon, the price had fallen to 875, to is The prices of the heavy Stocks have been rather higher during the week, but receded this after- noon with Consols. Exchequer Bills and India Bonds have also improved, but not to any material extent-a sure sign that the Dividends have not produced any surpassing effect. Exchequer Bills on Saturday last were at 68s. to 708. premium; this'afternoon they were at 718. to 72s. premium; Bonds, on Saturday, were at 72s. to 74s. premium; to-day'they are at 76s. to 78s.
The present prices of the Funds are certainly very high ; yet, with a con- tinuance of prosperity at home, an improving revenue, and a more settled political horizon, we might see them far higher. But, on the contrary, it must be confessed that there are several important causes, of more immediate and forcible operation, among which may be stated the re- mittances in payment of the corn importations, and the preparations for withdrawing the small notes, to say nothing of politics, which may be expected to produce opposite effects.
The transactions in the Foreign Market have been more interesting this week than usual, although the Dividends have done nothing for this market. The arrival of a mail from Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday, bringing news of a fall in the Exchange to 28f, had an immediate effect on the price of the Bonds, which fell from 64 to 62, but afterwards recovered to about 63. The most considerable transactions of the week, however, have been in Portuguese Stock ; in which some large purchases were made to-day upon the strength of an opinion, or information, that something will shortly be done to pay the Dividends. We hope most sincerely that this may be true, for the sake of the Bondholders; but we are not ourselves in the secret, and it is a good rule at the Stock Exchange to believe nothing that we hear, and not more than half of what we see. The Bonds were last week about 53.1, and they had advanced at one time to-day to 561, but closed at 567- Brazil Bonds rose about s per cent from sympathy. Mexican Stock is likewise better, owing to a few purchases ; and the 6 per Cents are now worth about 33k. Russian was offered on Tuesday at 943, but is now a little better, 95 to 955. Spanish Bonds have been done at 93. There is nothing to report of Shares.
SATURDAY, ONE o'CLocle.-Consols have beenat 875, alternately buyers and sellers, all the morning; at present they are buyers, but there is very little business doing in either Market. Portuguese are rather lower.
Bank Stock, div. 8 per Cent. 2115 2125 Chitian, 6 per Cent. 23 24 3 per Cent. Reduced. 87 863 87 Colombian, 3 per Cent. Consols, 865 Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent. 231 2 as per Cent. 1818, 951 3 Danish, 3 per Cent. 635 35 per Cent. Reduced, 953 96 Greek 5 per Cent. 16 17
New 4 per Cents. 1822, 1011 d 3 Mexican 5 per Cent
4 per Cents. 1826, Ditto 6 per Cent. 333 3 Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan 5 per Cent. 1860) 19 13-16 3 Peruvian. 6 per Cent. 17 18 India Stock, die. 105 per Cent. Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 56 sellers South Sea Stock, div. 35 per Cent. Prussian, India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, Russian, 95 5 1829, thereafter 3 perCent.) Spanish, 10
Exchequer Bills, (interest 20. per Cent. SHARES.
per Diem,) pm Anglo-Mexican, 221. 10s. per share Consols for the opening, 21 Jan. (inclad- Brazilian, Imperial, 631. to 011.
ing div.) 875 a ft Real Del Monte, FOR CI ON FONDS. I Bolanos, 3901. to 3951.
Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. 98 Colombian, 13/. to 141. Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 634 2 United Mexican, 141. 10s. to 151. 10s.