Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th Jan. 1834 and 5th Jan. 1835; showing he Increase or Decrease on each head thereof.
Years ended 5th Jan.
1834. 1S35. Decrease.
1,674,907 83,548 341,444 25,000 214 42,621,827 315,018 42,936,845 43,043,876 2,118,596 Deduct Decrease.... . 2,041,565
I ocrease on the Year . 107,031
Quarters endod 5th Jan.
1834. 0435. Increase.
Customs 3,594,287 llama 1,808.701
Zciae I 4,264.493
Stamps 1,575.112 Sostetnee 324,000
!Ise' eallaneoue ' 27,046
Total Ordivary Revenue 11,593,639 Sorest mid other Mou'es. In eluding Repayments of Ad - stances for Public Works 103,886 59 611
11,697,525 11.399.561
Deduct Increase Decrease on the Quarter ..
Income and Charge m the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th Jan. 1834 and 18116.
Clistoms Stamps Taxes Past .orfice Idiseellaneons 'Teatime Money To Cash brought to this Account to replace the like Stun issued, or to be issued out of the Consolidated Fund iu lielatui for Supply mud other Services Ira Cash brought to this Account from the Civil List, Sup- plies, &c Termsoent Debt Termittable Annuities Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the Consolidated Fund Sinking Fund ohm List Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund. including Civil Govern nut Seiviees, formerly paid out of the Civil sr the I lereditary Revenues of the Crown Total Charge Surplus aeeheqper Bills issued to meet the Charge on the ronsoli dated Fund for the Quarter ended 5th July, and paid off out of the growing produce of that Fund for the Quarter ended 1051, Oct 1834 Amount issued in the Quarter ended 5t1, Jan. 1s35. it, part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated Fund, for Supply Services 'the Surplus of the Consolidated Fund. Quarter ended 511
Jan. DM -The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th Jan. 1835
E le jai('
ata.1171 TeSeti
Post-office Illiacellaneotts
Total Ordinary Revenue... and other Monies. in- Iiirorst'ding Repayments of Ad- vances for Public Works ....
Total I ncon3e....
Total Income....
,c Jr
14.946,988 16,936.695 14,840.962 1306,053 6,498.686 6,582.234 4,892,058 4,550.614 1.3s6.000 1,361,000 57,133 66,919
4,303,721 3,484.21141 1,555.462 1,633.120 323,000 38.447 11,339950 42,653,517 390,359 75.341 722.835 Increase.
1,989,707 711,434
780,293 - 19,650 175,581 44,275 1,020,799 722.835 297,964 2,011,565 Decrease.
Quartem ended Jan. 5.
1834. 1835.
3.166.161 4,64. 593 1.575.112 1.808,701 2.14.000 56,973 11.195,440 4,003.673 3,484.200 1.535 462 1.633.120 323.000 51,250 11,050,705
• •
376.578 517.933 11,572,018 11,568,610 Quarters ended Jou_ 5.
1834. 1855.
7,811,930 7.860.585 482.603 686.09.3 9.357 8.430 239.483 234.437 127,500 12;,500 944,292 329,116 9,033,167 9,246.163 2,338.651 2,322,47 11.572,018 11.568,640 4,832,799 • 2.771,437 2,329.477 452,010
. . 5,304,809