During the early part of the week, the attention of the public was almos %Windy absorbed in the elections, and business of all kinds completely at a stand With the termination of the City election, the political excitement ceased, and business Was resumed. Little, however, has been done in the English Funds; which have continued in the state of torpor in which they have so lung re- mained; business ordinarily caused at this time of year by the investment of the Dividends not having been so great as usual. All the Stocks, the books of which were closed for Dividends, have reopened for private transfer. India Stock is as high as 2ril ex.dividend, which is equal to 167; and Bank Stock is quoted at 224. Money is very abundant, in consequence of the issue of the Dividends ; but every species of investment or speculation is checked by the un- certainty of our political position. It is very generally believed, that as the hopes of the Tories will be frustrated by the triumph of the Liberal party iii the ensuing Parliament, the more desperate of the Conservatives will urge another dissolution ; and it is to the fear of the effect of the excitement which will result from such a proceeding, that the present indisposition for adventure -may be traced.
An upward movement has, however, occurred io the Spanish Bonds; which have improved more than 1 per rent. upon our last prier's. This rise is attributable to the intelligence recently received front Madrid, in which it is stated that the (iovernment will be prepared to receive the Deferred Stock in payment for the national domains, in certain proportions ; but as the law for regulating its reception has not passed the Chamber of Proeuradores, it is impossible to speculate upon its details; which will probably be altered, if not totally changed, by that vacillating body. The price of the Comes Bonds has been as high as 56; but the quantity brought to market by the specu- lators has caused a reaction to 55%, which is the closing price of the day. Portuguese Bonds have slightly improved in consequence of a demand which has sprung up for Germany and other parts of the Continent ; but as large quantities continue to be held on speculation, the Stork is thrown upon the market at every rise. Dutch Bonds have also improved ; the price of the 2i per Cents. being 54% ; whilst the 5 per Cents. are as high as 1001. The South American Stocks are rather higher ; Columbian being 3 , and Mexican 414 42%. The hope of the recognition of the various Republics by the Spanish Government, is still cherished by the speculators, and the market consequently supported. Nothing worthy of notice has occurred in the Mining Shares; whiei are heavy at our last quotations.
3 per Cent. Consols
Ditto for Account
New 34 per Cent. Annuities
Bank Stock
India Stock . .
Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents
Brazilian5 per Cents
Danish 3 per Cents
904 f
984 4
43 41
794 80 —
Dutch 2/ per Cents French 3 per Cents Greek, 1833.5 per Cents Mexican C, per Cents. Portuguese 5 per Cents
Do. urgency Scrip,5per Cent Prussian,IS IS, 5 per Cent. . Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent Spanish, 1821, 5 per Cent
411 24
87* — 1074 544 55,1
The fall of the French Funds in Paris, occasioned by the tone of the Ame- rican President's Message to Congress, where, among other subjects, the hate conduct of the yrench Government, in respect to the indemnity claimed by the Americans, is the subject of angry comment, has caused a decline in Consols, which are now 92 for the Account. Spanish Stock is also heavier than yester- day ; but the prices of the other Foreign Securities continue nearly the same. Brazilian Bonds are still in demand, and are quoted at 79i BO.