The Gazette of last night announces the following creations. Lord
FITZGERALD is raised to the British Peerage, by the title of Baron Fitzgerald of Desmond ; Sir JAMES SCARLETT is at last made Baron Abinger, of Abinger in the county of Surry, and of the city of Nor- wich; Sir PHILIP SYDNEY is Baron De L'Isle and Dudley, of Pens- burst ; and the Earl of BRECKNOCK, otherwise Mr. GEORGE PRATT, takes his seat in the Upper House as Lord Camden.
The country is at present thinking very little about the House of Peers ; and this addition to the accumulated creations of half a century from the ranks of unpopular Commoners, does not attract much notice. But the Nation will bide its time ; and when the brig account .of evil comes to be settled with the Oligarchy, it will be found to be only so much the more heavy from the creations just declared.