Cbt Country.
An occurrence has recently transpired in the vioinity of Ulverstone, which is the topic of very general conversation in that neighbourhood, and.bas caused much astonishment and many painful feelings in a respect- able circle of society at Dalton. A few months ago, an aged gentleman, named Pemberton, who had neither wife nor family, died and left be- hind a considerable property. Shortly afterwards, the Reverend Mr. Stainton, clergyman of the parish, produced a will, under which he claimed as residuary legatee. Before he could take possession of cer- tain of the property, it was necessary to produce a deed of surrender ; and Mr. Stainton brought forward a document at one of the Manorial Courts, which had the appearance of a regular deed. On inspection, however, it was found that, in fact, the writing purported to have been executed previous to the manufacture of the stamp. The consequence was, an investigation before the Magistrates, and Mr. Stainton was committed to Lancaster Castle, to take his trial.—Herald.
Stack-burning, we are rorry to say, has taken place in the immediate neighbourhood of Lincoln. Eight large wheat-stacks and two bean • stacks were consumed to ashes lately at Thorpe in the Fellows, about six miles north of this city.—Lincoln Mercury.