The Times, this morning, exposes " the source of a
calumny." In July last that journal began its warnings of impending danger from the railway mania. A " special correspondent" of the Hampshire Independent imputed those warnings:A corrupt motives and a desire to push particular railways: he asserted that " Mr. D—, the managing (money) proprietor of the Times," and his son, obtained shares in a certain railway as a reward for the aid of the journal, and that they, with a Mr. A—, who also has possession of its columns," speculated "for the fall " under cover of the same attacks. On the 2d instant, appeared a letter to the Hamp- shire Independent, from the same "special correspondent" admitting that his informant " had been misinformed"; avowing that the charges were " totally unfounded "; and asking pardon of the persons calumniated. The Times has ferreted out the offender. " The anther of these falsehoods, is a 'Mr. Edward Raleigh Moran,' who is, or was, the sub-editor of the Globe. We need say nothing of this man's character; it is sufficiently known to all connected with the Metro- politan press."