The English Funds have been steady during the whole week ; and though a considerable amount of business has occurred, the fluctuations have been insig,niticant. The rumours of a change in the Ministry, and the unfavour- able intelligence from the Cape of Good Hope, have produced but slight effect upon the market. The most pleasing announcement made during the week has been from the Lords of the Treasury to the Commissioners for the Re- duction of the National Debt, stating that the sum of 748,6301. 98. Sd. will be applicable to the purposes of the Sinking-fund during the current quarter. Those Stocks upon which the dividends became due on the 5th instant opened for private transfer on Tuesday, and the dividends are now in course of pay- ment to the public. Consols close this afternoon at 971 1 both for Money and Account. Money continues very abundant ; the rate of interest upon loans for short periods being from 2 to 21 per cent. The Foreign Fundsare all improving. The principal advance is in Sar- dinian and Mexican Stock : the former has come suddenly into favour as an investment, and has reached 931, being an advance of more than 16 per cent from the quotation to which it fell upon the first intelligence of the coup d'amt in France. We are informed that the great improvement re- cently noticed in the French Funds and this stock is owing to the large pur- chases made by Swiss capitalists, who previous to that event had largo amounts deposited in the Bank of France. These amounts, which the dread Of the political convulsion anticipated in 1852 had kept unemployed, have now been invested. The advance of more than 2 per cent in Mexican Stock has been occasioned by the arrival of 81,000 dollars per the Thames West Indian mail steamer, on account of the dividends. The intelligence from Mexico brought by this arrival is said to be very favourable ; the Govern- ment having made arrangements for the payment of the dividend now due. Spanish Active Stock has improved to 241. The conversion into the Three per Cent Deferred Stock is proceeding rapidly, and the New Stock has in many instances been delivered. The price of it is about 19 ex-dividend.
The Railway Share Market has been steady, and the fluctuation unim- portant. At this time of year speculation usually receives a check, as the declaration of the dividends is about to take plane when the sanguine expect- ations of improvement prevalent during the alf-year are rarely realized. The French Shares are all higher than last week, though the quotations to- day are not the highest recently reached ; the market being heavy, in con- sequence of a general decline in prices in Paris yesterday. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The French Funds fell per cent yesterday in Paris, the closing price of the Five per Cents having been 105 ; Consols are lower in consequence, the first price for the Account being 97, and the present quotation 97 to 1. The only change in the Foreign Market is in Spanish Stock, all varieties of which are from f to f per cent lower. The English Share Market is without change. French Shares are from 5s. to 10s. lower, in consequence of the decline in Paris. The New Paris and Lyons Shares were done yesterday in Paris at 41 premium, and are here nominally from 4 to 5 premium.
SATURDAY Two o'CLocic.
The English Funds close at the morning's quotations ; Consols have been done at 971, but have since fallen again, and close at 971, at which quo- tation the market may be considered heavy. The Foreign Funds are all lower, the quotations being affected by the decline of the French Funds. The following is the record of actual transactions—Brazilian, 96 ; Buenos Ayres, 51 ; Chilian Three per Cents, 641 ; Grenada, 161; Mexican, 30/ 291; Portuguese 1824, 921; Ditto 1841 Four per Cents, 341 4 ; Russian Five per Cents, 1131 ; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 1011 1 ; Sardinian Five per Cents, 921; Spanish Active, 231 23; Three per Cents, 421; Belgian Four- and-a-half per Cents, 94. The English Shares are heavy. The French are also depressed, se- veral sales having occurred on French account for the first time for the last two or three weeks. The following are the principal bargains—Aber- deen, 12}; Caledonian, 15/ 16; Cheater and Holyhead, 211 201 If ; East- ern Counties, 6/ ; East Lancashire, 151; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 271 ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland) 36} 3; Great Western,: 87/ 61 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 621 If 21 11 ; London and Blackwell, 7 61; Lon- don, Brighton, and South Coast, 97; London and North-western, 1161 17 1161 ; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 251 ; Ditto 101. Shares, M. and B. C., 21; London and South-western, 86 5/ 6f ; Midland, 57 # 11; North British, 71 71 ; North Staffordshire, 94 ; South-eastern and Dover, 211 ; York, New- caatle, and Berwick, 181 ; Ditto Extension, 131 ; Ditto Cr. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 61; York and North Midland, 231; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 291 ; Northern and Eastern 6 per Cent, 561 ; Royston and Hitchen, 8/ 1; Caledonian 101., 71 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, (late Croy- don Thirds,) 125 1221 ; North 41; Boulogne and Amiens, 111 • Cen- tral of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 20t ; Namur and Liege, 61; No'rthern of France, 19/ 3 ; Orleans and Bordeaux, 83 1; Paris and Strasbourg, 161 3 ; Rouen and Havre, 101 111; Tours and Nantes, 91 1.
3 per Cent Consols 97 Dutch 21 per Cents 59 60 Dit.o for Account 97 Ditto 4 per Cents 92 4 3 per Cent Reduced 97 Mexican 3 per Cents 1846 291 30 84 per Cents 98 Peruvian 6 per Cents 94 5 Long Annuities 7 -16 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.. 331 41 Bank Stock 2161 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 91 3 Exchequer Bills 59 62 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 113 15 Midis Stock Ditto 41 per Cents 1011 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents 94 6 Spanish (Active) S per Cents. 281
Belgian 41 per Cents 921 44 Ditto 3 per Cents 1642 42 1
CI,Rian 6 per Cents 101 3 Sardinian Scrip
Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Ditto Bonds . 924
Ditto 3 per Cents 76 8