10 JANUARY 1852, Page 10

Official information has been received by the Foreign Office, from

our Consul

at Brest, of the names of the and seamen from the Amazon saved by the Dutch gall iot Gertruida, ptain Teinteleer. It seems that two of the Ama- zon's boats were picked up by the Dutch ship ; one at six in the morning of Sunday, and one on Sunday evening. The passengers saved are—Mrs. Anna Maria Smith, Mrs. Eleanor Roper evening. or Maclennan, and her infant, Mr. Bernardo Barricon, Mr. Frederick Glennie, Mr. John Stryburn, and Mr. William Evans. Among members of the crew now saved are Mr. William Stone, engineer, Mr. Jacob Allen, (Messrs. Seaward and Capel's foreman,) George Deal and Alexander Laing, quartermasters, and Michael Gould, second steward.

The accident which lately befell Sir David Baird while hunting has proved fatal: he died on Wednesday morning.