Tuesday, January 6.
PAarxEssurrs D1SS0LVED.—The Penpoll Lead Smelting Works, Feock, Cornwall —Herring, Brothers, Aldersgate Street, druggists—Ravenscroft and Co. London; as far as regards S. A. Wyllie—J. A. and L. Webb, Combs, Suffolk, tanners—Cole and Joniffe, Newport, Isle of Wight, builders—Davis and Delaforce, Wiuipole Street, wine-merchants—Kirkpatrick and Carden. Coventry ..coal-dealers — I3eavan and Power, Cheltenham, chemists—G. and W. Twigg, Birmingham, button-naenufac- turers—Sykes and Jackson, Birstall, chemist—T. and C. Serino's, Bristol, hum- drapers— Runlet and Co. Bloomsbury Square, publishers; as far as regards G. B. G. Wood—Mabyn and Grant, Aldermanbury, warehousemen—Sellers and Gladstone, Liverpool, wine-merchants—Davies and Son, Hanover Street, tailors—T. and J. Woolley, Leominster, printers—Hayward and Griffin. Birmingham, coffee-dealers — Workman and Prance, Evesham, attornies-at-law; as far as regards H. Workmen— W. and B. Newsome, Upper Russell Street, Bermondsey, wool-merchants—Maley and Co. Barge Yard, Bucklerihury, ale-merchants—Shaweroft and Simpson, Kirk- dale, Lancashire, contractors —Nedham and Scofield, Leicester, surgeons—Fletcher and Son, Bristol, linen-drapers—Frank and Davy, Bradford, Yorkshire, linen- drapers—Perry and Son, Stourbridge, ironmongers—Grundy and Co. Liverpool, mer- chants; as far as regards T. Grundy—Bennett and Arnold, St. Alban's, builders— Blythe and Carlyle, Liverpool, provision-merchants—Vass and Roger*, Harney', coach-proprietors—Sewell and House, SwalThain, attornies—Platt and Co. Lisist. pool, tar-distillers —Frean and Dew, Plymouth, corn-merchants; as far as regards' G. Frean—Eyre and Son, Wellingborough, boot-manufacturers - Keay and Llgar, Lymington, plumbers—Ogden and Freeman, Barton Street, Westminster, coal-mer- chants — Woodham and Co. Winchester, attornies—J. and S. A. Rye, Irthling. borough, Northamptonshire, butchers—Marsh and Jones, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, house-agents—Johnson and Roffey, Edward Street, York Road, emery. paper-makers —Bousfield and Taylor, Kirkby Stephen, Westmoreland, brewers— Merry and Son, Fenchureh Street, brokers—Herbert and Mortiboy„ Newman Street, jewellers—Nicol and Allan, Upper Marylebone Street, grainers—Tucker and Thir- kell, Liverpool, wine-merchants—Calrow and Sons. Bury, cotton-spinners—Perkins and Heinekin jun. Llanelly, Carmarthenshire —Stevens and Blackmore, Salisla2 woollen-drapers—J. and J. Jones jun. Hull, woollen-drapers—Smith and Co. Brad- ford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners ; as far as regards J. Suddards and D. Sharp— J. S. and F. S. Percival, Toweester, bankers. Basixitarrs.—Euweire Bassos Parana, Brentford, brewer, to surrender tam 11. Feb. 20: solicitors, Laurance and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Canaan, Aldermanbury—Hazinv Rower Basins, Poppia's Court, FlesetStreet, card. maker, Jan. 18, Feb. 13: solicitor, Brisley, Pancras Lane, Cheapside ; official assig- nee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Pinup SummEas, Tabernacle Walk, fancy printer, Jan. 20, Feb. 19: solicitor's, Laurance and Co. Frederick's Place; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-ROBERT Mow', College Street, Chelsea, builder. Jan. 13, Feb. 19: solicitors, G. and G. H. Clarke, Finsbury Place; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-JOSEPH COLES, Buckingham, dealer in corn, Jan. 15, Feb. 14 : solicitors, Newbon and Evans, Doctors' Commons ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Jour COGLE, Limington, Somersetshire, miller, Jan, 15, Feb. 18: solicitors, Reed and Son, Bridgewater; SC don, Exeter; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter-Thomas lirreuEss, St. Thomas the Apostle. Devonshire, tim- ber-merchant, Jan. 21, Feb. 23: solicitor, Brutton, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-THonAs ROBINSoN, Hull, broker, Jan. 28, Feb. 18: solicitor, Preston, Hull; official assignee, Carrick, Hull-Henn Baowx, Liverpool, ship-chandler, Jan. 16, Feb. 12: solicitor, Greatly, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird. Liverpool.
DIVIDENDS.-Jan. 27, Cook, Hedge Bow, Islington, linen-draper-Jan. 29, Thomp- son, Long Acre, India-rubber-bath-manufacturer-Jan. 29, G. and A. T. Webb, Great St. Helen's, wine-merchants-Jan. 27, Mason, Fenton, Staffordshire, china- manufacturer-Jan. 23, Sutterby, Stoke Ferry, Norfolk, grocer-Jan. 27, Seddon, Eccleston, Lancashire, flour-dealer-Jan. 25, Stockdale, Liverpool, soap-manufac- turer.
CERTIFICATES.- To be granted, unless cause be shown to The contrary, on the day of meeting.-Jan. 29, Radcliffe jun. Chichester Place, Gray's Inn Road, window-glass- xnerchant-Jan.29. Pamment, Penton Street, Pentonville, cheesemonger-Jan. 29, Simmonds, Brighton, grocer-Jan. 28, Sanford, Paternoster Row, stationer-Jan. 28, Solomon, Strand, tailor-Jan. 28, Seymour, Downham, Cambridg,eshire,"grocer-Jan. 28, Fuller, Ely, Cambridgeshire, stone-mason-Jan. 29, Tedd, Coventry, cotton- dresser.
DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDS.-Brown, Fetter Lane, pawnbroker; first div. of 4.e. 4d. on new proofs, Jan. 10, and two subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Dannit jun. Talbot Inn Yard, Southwark, hop-merchant ; final div. of lid. Jan. 8, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Dousbery, New Farringdon Street, boot-factor; second div. of 30. Jan. 8, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Ballingall, Edward Street, Portman Square, pianoforte-maker; first div. of 98. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street- May, Brtcknock Terrace, Camden Town, draper ; first div. of 3s. 4d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore. Basinghall Street-Burt, High Street, Newington Butts, grocer ; first die. of Is. lid. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basingliall Street-Dixon, Leeds, draper ; first div. of Ils. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Rawson, Market Essen, seed-merchant ; second and final div. of 8d. any Tuesday ; Carrick, Hull- Webb, Stourbridge, clothier ; first div. of 4s. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham -Newman, Long Sutton, schoolmaster ; first div. of 38. 6d. Jan. 15, or any subse- quent Thursday ; Valpy, Birmingham-Coleman, Coventry, chemist ; first die. of Kt 8d. any Thursday during the month of January ; Whitmore, Birmingham.
Sewell SEQUESTRATIONS.-M‘Math, Camlachie, dyer, Jan. 12, Feb. 9-M'Kaye, Newrailds, spirit-dealer, Jan. 13, Feb. 7.
_Friday, January 9.
PARTNERsines DissoisrED.-Slight and Smith, Skirbeck, Lincoln, builders-Jevons and Co. Liverpool, iron-merchants-Robins and Co. Birmingham, auctioneers- White and Dew, St. Briavels, Gloucestershire, farmers-J. and G. Norton, Manches- ter, cheesemongers- -Fry and Co. Philpott Lane, metal-brokers-Fleming and Gar- nett, Ulverston, grocers-Flower and Abbot, Bristol. masons-Myers and Cu. Liver- pool, merchants-Bates and Bell, Throginorton Street, stock-brokers-M. and J. Scott, Skipton, brewers-Thompson and Co. Mincing Lane, tea-brokers ; as far as re- gards W. J. Thompson sen.-Lambert and Co. Hull, ship-brokers ; as far as regards E. R. Wood-Long and Hewlitt, Chancery Lane, wine-merchants -1Iollidge and Co. Hull, tea-dealers-Restall and Co. Farnham, tailors-Izon and Sims, Birmingham, pocketbook-makers-Woodger, Brothers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, fish-curers ; as far as regards J. Woodger-Harvey and Co. St. George Street, East, clothiers-T. Dar- lawjun. and W. Barlow, Ramsey, Huntingdonshire, grocers-Mackey and Co. New- castle-upon-Tyne, drapers ; as far as regards G. Bell-E. M. Nunn and A. 'Wallis, Ealing, Middlesex, schoolmistresses-W. Briscoe and Son, Wolverhampton, merchants; as far as regards G. Briscoe-Nash and Co. Reigate, land-agents-Dyer and Clarke, Upper Marylebone Street, surgeons-Rivett and Sons, Crown Street, Finsbury, cabinet-makers; as far as regards W. Rivett sen.-J. and S. Shilling, Northwarnborough, Southampton, nurserymen-Rhodes and Co. Bradford, York- alike, grocers-Remington and Co. Bombay, merchants ; as far as regards R. F. Remington-Candy and Co. Watling Street, merchants-Bromhead and Hemming, Bristol, contractors-Crabtree and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, machine-makers ; as far as regards W. Rushforth-Mayhew and Padmore, Argyle Street, St. James's, archi- tests-Brown and Cropper, Sheffield, whitesmiths-Milroy and M'Cord, Plymouth, linen-drapers-Broadhead and Rogers, Huddersfield. woollen-cloth-manufacturers -The Australian Trust Company ; as far as regards J. Stevenson-Jevons and Wood, Neath, iron-masters.
BANKRUPTS.-BICHAIID and RICHARD BILLING, Reading, brick-makers, to surren- der Jan. 23, Feb. 20 : solicitors, Gregory and Faulkner, Bedford Row ; Blandy, Reading; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-FREDERICK FREEMAN COBB, Canterbury, grocer, Jan. 20, Feb. 17: solicitor, Cullen, Poplar; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-SAMUEL MASON, Newcastle-under-Lyne, diaper, Jan. 21, Feb. IS: solicitors, Fenton, Newcastle-under-Lyne; Motteram and Co. Birming- ham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Joins WILLIAMS, Bristol, ship- owner, Jan. 23, Feb. 18: solicitor, Day, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol- Davin BM/SHYER, Tavistock, ironmonger, Jan. 20, Feb. 18: solicitors, Parker and Co. Bedford Rose; Terrell, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-GEORGE Manes, Scarborough, cloth-merchant, Jan. 26, Feb. ;6: solicitors, Barker, and Bird, Huddersfield; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-JOHN BRADSHAW TATLom, Liverpool, commission-agent, Jan. 22, Feb. 13: solicitor, Booker, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool-ROBERT WALL OGILVIE, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship- broker, Jan. 20, Feb. 26: solicitor, White, Sunderland ; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ,Divinesns.- -Feb. 2, Keele, and Bisdee, Riches Court, Lime Street, merchants- Feb. 3, Bramcld, Titchborne Street, china-dealer-Jan. 31, Wheeler, St. Martin's Lane, woollen-draper- Jan. 30, Ekin, Cambridge, spirit-merchant-Jan 30, Ashlin, Eastcheap, corn-factor-Feb. 4, Powell, Aston, Birmingham, miller-Feb. 4, Lacey, Birmingham, glass-dealer-Jan. 30, Smith, Leeds, iron-founder- Jan. 30, Thomp- son, Leeds, china-dealer-Jan. 30, Beach, Bradford, Yorkshire, Apothetary-Jan. 81, Hill, Thome, Yorkshire, wine-merchant-Jan. 31, Waterman, Sheffield, grocer. CzariptcATEs.- 7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. -Feb. 3, Davies, Walbrook, coal-merchant-Feb. 3, Clairton, Holies Street, Cavendish Square, bookseller-Feb. 3, Kitson, Fenchurch Street, saddler- Jan. 31, Bate, New Windsor, builder-Jan. 31, Whatford, Brighton, dentist-Jan. 39, White, Winchester, builder-Jan. 31, Jones, New Road, Whitechapel, cow- keeper-Feb. 5, Smith, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker-Feb. 4, Rawlins, War- wick, nudtster- Feb. 2, King, Liverpool, chemist.
.DEcLARATiosis OP DivIDEssns.-Peacock, Ladbroke Grove, Notting Hill, plumber ; first die, of 2s. 6d. Jan. 10, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane ,Devey, Woburn, auctioneer ; first div. of 7s. Gd. Jan. 10, and three subsequent Sa- turdays); Croons, Abchurch Lane-Dow son, Oxford Street, ironmonger•. first div. of 2.s. 8d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Moores, Aslesbury,draper ; first div. of 5s. 6d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basingliall Street-Wolsey, Wareham, corn- merchant; first div. of Is. 5d. on new proofs, Jan. 15. and three subsequent Thurs- days ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Sydenham, Poole, printer; first div. of 2s 2d. on newproofs, Jan. 15, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-liaines, Northampton, grocer ; first div. of 4s. Jan. 15, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Meiklc, Liverpool, pawnbroker; first div. of Is. 9d. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool-Gamble, Liverpool, merchant ; third div, of ld. Jan. 12, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird, Liverpool-Russell, Altham Mills, Blackburn, miller, sec. div. of Oil. Jan. 12, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Li- verpool-Evans and Nephew, Wrexham, drapers ; sec. div. of lid. Jan. 12, or any sub- sequent Monday ; Bird, Liverpool-Fielding, Rhyl, Flintshire, hotelkeeper ; second div. of Is. 4d. Jan, 12, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird,Liverpool-Dutton, Tarvin, Cheshire, joiner; first div. of Is. 6d. Jan. 12, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird, Liver- pool-Pringle, Liverpool, iron-founder ; second div. of lid. Jan. 12, or any subse- uent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Alanson, Liverpool, wine-merchant; third div. of id. Jan. 12, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Royce, Nottingham, cur- rier; first div. of Is. 10d. Jan. 17, or any subsequent alternate Saturday until June 26; Bittleston, Nottingham-Cuff, Leicester, hotelkeeper; first div. of 6s. 8d. Jan. 17; or any subsequent alternate Saturday until June 26; Bittleston, Nottingham- Storr, Corby, Lincolnshire, gamer; first div. of Is. Id. Jan. 17, or any subsequent alternate Saturday until June 26; Bittleston, Nottingham-Thornley, Ripley, Der- byshire, grocer; second div. of lead. Jan. 17, or any subsequent alternate Saturday until June 26; Bittleston, Nottingham.
Seinen SEnvEsTRATIoNs.-Dunbar, Edinburgh, professor of Greek, Jan. 14, Feb. 4 -Main, Glasgow, merchant, Jan. 13, Feb. 3 -Johastone, Edinburgh, poulterer, Jan. 15, Feb. 5-Clark, Edinburgh, grocer, Jan. 14, Feb. 11 -Morrison, Glasgow, mer- chant, Jan. 15, Feb. 5.