The Canadian Government in reply frankly stated at first that
they were too busy in winding up the session to give Mr. MacDonald's dispatch the attention it deserved. Later, however, they sent a considered reply, and the effect of it is to insist on the principle that the Imperial Conference is no more than a Conference of Governments—not the Council of a super-State. On • the whole the Canadian Government think that there has been marked progress in arranging for effectual consultation. They greatly dislike Mr. Thomas's idea of inviting representatives of the Opposition to the Imperial Conference. The Australian Government re- fused the invitation to a meeting because they considered that gradual evolution is better than immediate definite action. On the other hand they show that they have constructive theories. They propose that the Dominions should establish Foreign Office branches attached to the High Commissioners' Offices in London. Australia, by the way, has already created a Foreign Office branch here. The Australian Government also set forth the ramiliar scheme for a permanent Imperial Secretariat responsible to the Prime Ministers of all the Dominions. This, it is argued, would successfully bridge over the gaps between Imperial Conferences.
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