In the early part of the week the Government securities were rather firmer; an improvement of a quarter per cent being observable upon the closing quota- tions of Saturday. This was chiefly caused by the investments which took place upon the reopening of the books of the Three per Cent Consols on Tuesday, when Money business was resumed in this stock after an interval of six weeks, and the 'predominance of purchasers caused rather a scarcity of Money Stock. The decline in the exchange upon New York, and the renewed shipment of bul- lion to the United States, (50,0001. having been sent by the last packet,) imparted a downward impulse. Some support was afforded to the market yesterday by a pur- chase to the extent of 100,0001. by the Chancery-broker; but the improvement was not of long duration, as sales were induced by the reported French loan. The market has since been and continues heavy at a decline of nearly 3 per cent from the highest quotation. Money has been more in demand than usual; 5 per cent has been given for loans upon Exchequer Bills for short periods; but the demand is not so great today, the Bank-broker having lent largely, and the rate for short periods cannot be quoted higher than 3 per cent. It was supposed that the Bank rate of discount might soon be lowered; but the alteration in the state of the exchange upon New York, with the prospect of further large importations of food, has entirely dissipated such an expectation. The only movement in the Foreign Market has been in some of the Stocks whose dividends are in arrear; to which Lord Palmerston's warning in the House of Commons gave a momentary impulse. Both Spanish and Portuguese Stock advanced 3 per cent; but the improved quotations were nearly nominal, no busi- ness having occurred in them, and the improvement has ended in nothing. Mexi- can Bonds are unchanged; and though there seems a greater disposition to par- chase them the buyers are not inclined to submit to any advance in price.
In the Railway Market the business has been unimportant, and prices do not vary materially today from those of last week: the general tendency seems to be downwards in those lines where business has occurred.
A new Share List is published by Mr. Slaughter, the Secretary to the Railway department of the Stock Exchange; in which, among other information given in a tabulated form, the weekly and half-yearly returns of traffic upon the principal Railways appear. A distinction is made between the number of miles upon which the_ tolls are now collected as compared with the corresponding period of last year, together with the amount of capital, the liabilities, working expenses, and general statistics of each company: a body of information of great importance to the Shareholders and Railway public, which till now it was always difficult and often impossible to obtain.
The English Funds are 3 per cent lower; the unsatisfactory character of the
The English Funds have declined during the morning without the occurrence of any business of importance. The price of Consols has been as Iowan 883, and the closing quotation is 883 3 both for Money and Account; thus marking a fall of 3 per cent from the last prices of yesterday. Money is more in demand commercially, sad the rate of discount is fully 5 per cent. The premium of Ex- chequer Bills is the same. In the Foreign Market business has occurred in the fol- lowing Bonds, at the quotations given below: Brazilian, 84; Chilian, 923; Equador, 3 3; Portuguese Three per Cents, 34333; Ditto, Four per Cents, 313; Spanish Active, 203; Ditto, Three per Cents, 323; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 5733; Ditto, Four per Cents, 90. The Railway Share Market has been in a quiet state; the few bargains occuring however indicate a tendency to depression. The following are the principal since the morning. Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 13; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 173; Caledonian, 291; Eastern Counties, 21203; East Laneashire, 193; Great Western, 118 20 1; Hull and Selby, 1043; London and Blackwell, 73; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 551; London and North-western, 1803 80 79; London and South-western, 683; Midland, 1283 8 9 83; Newcastle and Berwick, 483; Norfolk, 123; North Staffordshire, 103 3; South-eastern and Dover, 37; York and Newcastle, 373; Ditto, East and West Riding extension, 223 3; Boulogne and Amiens, 151; Northern of France, 103; Pans and Orleans, 483.
Dper Cent Consols
3 anis88} D h 3 per Cents 84 6 3 itto for Account
88:1 i
Dutch 23 per Cents
573 f
3 per Cent Reduced
Ditto 4 per Cents •
89} 903
33 per Cents 931 3 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846. • • 193 Long Annuities 9 1-16 New Grenada 19f 20
Bank Stock -
4 per Cents 1845 30 2 Exchequer Bills
11 15 pm.
Peruvian, 35 7
India Stock
Huainan 5 per Cents 110 112 Brazilian 5 per Cents • 83 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 203 213 Belgian 43 per Cents 93 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 323 3 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 36 8
38 40 Chili= 6 per Cents 91 3
Bank Accounts inducing sales. As yet the transactions have been unimportant. No change or business of importance has occurred in the Foreign Market. The business in Railway Shares is of a limited character, the tendency of the market being downwards. The following are the principal bargains occurring: Eastern Counties, 21, 203; Brighton, 55; North-western, 1803; Ditto, Fifth-shares, 17; Ditto, 101. Shama, M. and B., 111; South-western, 683; Ditto, New Consolidated Eighths, 51; Newcastle and Berwick, 283; Norfolk Extension 103; North Bntish, Half-shares, 153; North Staflbrdahire,103; South-eastern and Dover, 37; South Yorkshire, Doncaster, and Goole, 13; York and Newcastle, 373.
The returns of the Bank of England for the week ending the 3d instant exhibit a decrease in the public deposits of 58,0251.; in the unemployed notes, 467,3001.; and in the aggregate amount of bullion, 129,8311. The most important items of increase are the following—Government securities, 99,169E; other securities, 442,3581. This is the first indication for the last two months of serious retro- gression; the returns since the 8th of May having till now (with the exception of a trifling decline last week) exhibited a continued increase in the amount of bullion, and generally under all the other heads.