The French Court of Peers began the great trial on
Thursday, in the Palace of Luxembourg. The Procarear-G6neral stated the case for the prosecution. At the outset, M. Delangle called on the Chancellor to issue his warrant for the arrest of M. Pellapra ; and after his address, the Court formed itself into a secret committee, to consider that demand.
It is ascertained that M. Pellapra has escaped into Belgium; and that he is now at the residence of his daughter, the Princess of Chimay.
The Archbishops of Cambrai and Bourges have been created Cardinals. The hats were presented to them by the Pope's Ablegate, Monsignor Randi, at the Palace of the Tuileries, on Wednesday.
The Federal Diet of Switzerland met on the 5th instant, at Berne. The Pre- sident, Colonel Ulric Ochsenbein, opened the session with a speech in which he intimated that foreign intervention would be vigorously repelled: the Swiss would shed the last drop of their blood in defence of their independence.