"The times have been, that when the brains were out
the man would die "; but a Banquo was found "pour changer tout cela." The Lyceum is at the present time a theatrical Banquo. The brains—to wit, Mr. and Mrs. Keeley—have left it; but still it will go on, with the relics of its com- pany, asserting its right to a sort of ghastly existence. Nay, it even at- tempts novelty; and we have a version of the same piece which is acted at the Adelphi, under the name of Flying Colours. Nothing can be more un- suited to the company; who act moreover under the disadvantage that ano- ther version of the same piece is admirably played within a few yards of the establishment. Those who have no talent render the want of it deplorably conspicuous, and those who have talent find no proper opportunity for dis- playing it.