The Earl of Clarendon, the new Lord-Lieutenant, landed at Kingstown early on Saturday morning; accompanied by the Countess of Clarendon and family. The Viceregal party went straight to the Lodge in Phcenix Park.
The election for the County of Cork has terminated in the triumph of the Repealer; Dr. Power having a majority of 281 over his opponent.
The Honourable Charles Cavendish retires from the representation of Youghal, having accepted an invitation to stand for the county. The Honourable Charles Ponsonby, Member for Poole, has addressed the elec- tors of Yonghal as a candidate.
A fifth candidate for the representation of Dublin University appears, in the person of Mr. Henry Stopford Kyle, younger sou of the Bishop of Cork. Mr. Kyle is devoted "to our Established Church"-' and is adverse to the endowment, or even encouragement or support, of the Roman Ca- tholic Church.
Young Mr. Daniel O'Connell retires from public life, and there is con- aequently a vacancy for the borough of Dundalk. Mr. Carroll anavish has issued an address to the electors, avowing himself an ardent Repealer.
The talk at Conciliation Hall on Monday was all about election mat- ters. Mr. John O'Connell intimated, that as he had not the means to pay the ordinary expenses of his election for Dublin, he would retire from the contest the moment the men of Dublin got a proper candidate. Rent 1231.