Signor de Bassini, the new baritone at Her Majesty's Theatre,
has this week performed Enrico in Maria di Bohan, and Riccardo in the Puritani ; characters belonging to his proper line, which is that of a tragedian. In both of them, consequently, he appeared to much greater advantage than in Figaro. He has now shown himself to be not only a singer of high class in his line, but an actor of dignity, force, and power of passion- ate expression.
The l'uritani, on Thursday, was extremely well performed. Gardoni, who has renewed his engagement, had his old part of Arturo; and Ma- dame de la Grange had much success in Elvira,-acting the'part with ele- gance and sweetness, and singing brilliantly, and with more moderation than is usual with her in the use of fioriture and embellishments.
The management of this theatre shows reviving spirit. Not only has Gardoni renewed his engagement, but the speedy appearance of Sontag is announced. Pity she did not come when she was expected, and when the defalcation of Wagner would have made her services invaluable.