Tuesday, July 6.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—J. and W. E. Peck, Haverhill, Suffolk, drapers- Lythall and Adney. Birmingham, painters —Strines Printing Company. Stnnes, Derbyshire, calico-printers ; as far as regards C. R. Robinson—Barton and Robinson, Manchester, merchants—Gutta Percha Company of Lambeth, and Nickels and Co. India-rubber uianufacturers ; as far as regards B. Nickels—J. ,J. and J. Buttress,
Spital Square, silk-manufacturers-Morton and Frost, Cleveland Street, plumbers- Goodson and Co. Steward Street. SpiteMelds, silk-manufacturers - Pullin and Chambers. Uxbridge, wine-merchants-Lowe and Brand. Aldengate Street, surgeons .-Mersey Steel and Iron Company, Liverpool; as far as regards T. James-Hardy and Jackson, Holbeach, drapers-Lawrance and Son. Isleworth, butchers-Lees and Torking,ton, Clitheroe, lime-merchants-Smith and Blackburn, Eurnley, painters-
W. and G. Huntriss, Halifax, worsted-spinners-Horton and Corbett. Darlaston, wine-dealers-J. T. and J. Barnes. Lower Queen's Row, Pentonville Hill, carpen- ters-Homer and Sons, Wakefield, corn-millers-Gee and Dix, Bristol, improved patent hydraulic lead-pipe-manufacturers-Niekols and Co. Liverpool. ship-brokers; as far as regards J. S. Andrews-Burma and C3. Vere Street, drapers-Regent Road Mill Company, Salford, cotton-spinners - Royston and Robertson, Man- chester, railway-carnage-makers -Corah and Sons, Leicester, hosiers ; as far as regards .7. Corah-Barrett and Fielding, Toolev Street, coal-merchants-R. and H. Ascroft, Bootle, stone-masons-Walker and Co. Glasgow, and Lyon and Co. Dundee, merchants-Wheeler and Co. Leicester, and Nickels and Co. Goldsmith Street, lndia-rubber-nTb-manufacturers ; as far as regards B. Nickels. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.—JOSEPH SOWERDY, Oxford Street, silk-mercer. BANK euers.-Jonx RowssoN, Nassau Place, Commercial Road East, clothier, to surrender July 14, Aug. 18: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Stans- feld, Basinghall Street-Lucas BLOCK, Bucklersbury. wine-merchant, July 14, Aug. 18: solicitors, Gregson and Co. Angel Court, Throgmorton Street; official assignee, Graham. Coleman Street-SAMUEL Kluwer, Fore Street, Cripplegate, cheesemonger, July 16, Aug. 16: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Whitmore. Basinghall Street-Rowse° PALMER, Ware, maltster, July 20, Aug. 17: solicitor, Bind, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street ; official assignee. Edwards Sam- brook Court-Aecninsim CORXEN, Oswestry, watch-maker, July 20, Aug. A: so- licitors, Weeks, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn ; Davies, Coventry ; Hodgson, Bir- ming,hans ; OffiCilkl assignee; Christie, Birmingham-B=13mm; Emmert, Gloucester, carrier. July 19, Aug. 16: solicitors, Smith, Newnham ; Bridges, Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bnstol - JAMES RICHARD BASKETT, Cardiff', corn-factor, July 19, Ans. 18: solicitor, Beran, Bristol; official assignee, Acmman. Bristol.
Divirmsos.-July 27, Cook, Hedge Row, High Street. Islington, linen-draper- July 27, Heard. Woodbridge, brewer-July 27, Fuller, Ely, stone-mason-July 27, Roden, Stamford, draper-July 28, Bowyer, Macclesfield, grocer-July 29. 81•Cann, Liverpool, merchant-July 29, C. E. and H. Wilson, Ruabon. grocers-July 29. Ro- berts, Carnarvon, merchant-July 29, Carter, Liverpool, merchant-July 29. Roberts, Flintshire, innkeeper-July 28, Passman. Stock ton-upon-Tecs. currier-July 29, Collins, Halifax, draper-July 29, Douglas, Manchester, draper.
CERTIFICATES.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of weeting.-July 29. Brookes, Gresford, Denbighshire, wire-merchant-July 28, Pass- man, Stockton-upon-Tees, currier. DECLARATIONS or DITIIIHNDS.—Whalley, Accrington, mercer; first div. of 61d. July 8, or any subsequent Thursday; Lee, Manchester-Lucas and Co. Manchester, calico-printers ; first div. of 14s.; anti first div. of 2s. 3d. on the separate estate of E. Bond, July 3, or any subsequent Thursday; Lee, Manchester-Walker and Webb, Oxford Street, India-rubber-warehousemen ; first div. of 3s. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-It. and P. Isemonger, Littlehampton, merchants ; first die. of 3s. 6d.; and 20s. on each of the separate estates, any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Lane, High Street, Marylebone, tailor; first div. of 2s. any Tuesday ; Pannell. Guildhall Chambers-Wheeler, Richmond, Surrey, grocer; first div. of 111d. July 8, and the three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-R. and IL Billing, Reading, brick-makers; first div. of 2s. 6d.; and first div. of 12s. 2d. on the separate estate of It. Billing, jun. July 8, and the three subsequent Thursdays Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Pinborn. Newport, Isle of Wight, tailor; first div. of 3*. 10d. July 8, and the three subsequent Thursdays; Stanfeld, Basinghall Street- U. and R. Pinhorn, Southampton. tailors; first div. of 4s. July 8, and the three sub- sequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Ryder, Birmingham, jeweller ; first div. of Is. 4d. any Thursday before Aug. 20; Whitmore, Birmingham. ScOTCH SeQueuresTross.-King, Glasgow, stock-broker, July 12, Aug. 2-Wilson. Glasgow, tobacconist, July 10, Aug. 2-Grieve" Swenfield, Leith, manufacturer of soda, July 12, Aug. 2-Phelps, Edinburgh, fioor-cloth-warehouscman, July 12, Aug. 2.
Friday, July 9. PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvem.-Wright and Co. Berkhamstead SL Peter, Hertford- shire, farmers-Hilton and Hall, Land's End, Rhodes, Lancashire, chemists-J. and J. Entwisle, Bury, Lancashire, tailors-4Iowarth and Bothwell, Middleton, Man- chester, cotton-spinners-Gummersall and Co. Dudley Hill, Yorkshire. card-makers -Shaw and Co. Lockwood, Huddersfield, manufacturers of orris oil-S. and E. Sweet, Newcastle-upou-Tyne, mustard-manufacturers-Jones and Co. Manchester -Robinson and Atkinson, Kendal, mercers-Mangles and Moore, Limehouse, ship- chandlers-F. and E. Ward, Stratford-upon-Avon, booksellers-Wills and Salinger. Hoxton Square, trimming-manufacturers-Dean and Pilgrim, Northwich, Cheshire, surgeons-Saalfeld and Co. Skinner's Place, Sloe Lane-Lockwood and Co. Duke Street, Southwark, hop-merchants ; as far as regards J. Lockwood-French and Butler, Piccadilly, cork-manufacturers-Foster and Robertson, Hitchin, surgeons- Lord and Co. Heald, Lancashire, stone-dealers; as far as regards J. Ogden and John Lord-Brearley and Sons, Birstal, Yorkshire, joiners; as far as regards F. Brearley -Clark and Emma, Nottingham, grocers-Harris and Cooke, Leicester, auctioneers -Hardy and Playfair. Leeds, carvers. BAsearins.-Tnwass WEBBER RICHARDS, Goswell Road, linen-draper, to sur- render July 17, Aug. 18: solicitors, Hardwick and Co. Weavers' Hall, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-WiLtIAX Scam Perceval Street, Clerkenwell, clock-maker, July 20, Aug. 23: solicitor, Buchanan, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Josiem PERRY and WILLIAM Knowr BROADHURST, Fenton. Stoke-upon-Trent, earthenware-manufacturers, July 19, Aug. 9: solicitors, Clarke, Langton, Staffordshire ; Motteram and Co. Birming- ham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-HENRY JACKAMAN, Birmingham, builder, July 20, Aug. 19: solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, 'Whit- more, Birmingham-Crum-Es BELTos, Birmingham, chemist, July 20, Aug. 19: soli- citor, Christian and Jones, Liverpool; Hodgson, Birmingham; official assig- nee, Christie, Birmingham-ANN Hese/ELL. Bath, milliner, July 20, Aug. 17: solicitor, Hellings, Bath ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol- GeonoE Swum, Leeds, flax-spinner, July 29, Aug. 20: solicitor, Shackleton, Leeds ; official assignee; Young, Leeds-JAMES WOODHOUSE Server, Huddersfield, cloth-mer- chant, Aug. 3, 24: solicitors, Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-ROBERT PACE sem Liverpool, shipowner, Aug. 2, 17: solicitors, -Harvey and Co. Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-Joins Timerrair, Liverpool, flour-dealer, July 21, Aug. 16: solicitor. Taylor, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mor- gan. Liverpool-Julius Helms, Liverpool, jeweller, July 21, Aug. 16: solicitor, Dodge, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-SAMUEL PAtmer, Preston. draper, July 23, Aug. 18: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Mackenzie, Manchester. DiviDENDS.—July $0, B. and J. B. Pope' Adelaide Place, London Bridge, brick- manufecturers-July 30, J. D. and C. K. Cooper Tippington. Derbyshire, cotton- spinners-Aug. 3, Turnbull, Coxhoe, Durham, draper-July 30, Byrom and Co. Manchester, coal-proprietors-Aug. 3, Greenhalgh, Radcliffe Bridge, Lancashire, dra- per-Aug. 3, Belshaw, Manchester. joiner-Aug. 3, Lord, Ashton-under-Lyne, boot- maker-Aug. 3, Molyneaux jun. Manchester. corn-dealer-July 30, Ridgway, Liver- pool, merchant-July 30, Winder and Fisher, Liverpool, merchants-July 30, James, Liverpool, ship-builuler-July 30, Cann and Telo, Liverpool, merchants-Aug. 11, Tinsley, Rowley Regis, cooper-July 29, Dalton, Coventry, silk-dyer-July 30, Welsh, Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-merchant-July 30. Firth. Leeds,. linen-draper-July 30, Oyster). Wakefield, linen-draper-July 30, L. F. L. and J. Langley. Alm ond bury, wool- len-manufacturers-July 30, J. and T. Sykes, Hallifax, woollen-manufacturers. CERTIFICATBS.-7b be pronged. unless Mae be shown to the contrary, on the day Of Meeting.- July 30, Gullick, Yalding, Kent, brewer-July 30, Woodworth. Liverpool, victualler—July 30, Broadbent, Dukinfield, Cheshire, grocer -July SO, Oyston, Wakefield, linen-draper-July 30, Healey. Dewsbury, draper-Aug. 2, Woodhouse, IROIninster, scrivener-Aug. 2, Banister, Birmingham, brass-founder. DECLARATIONs OF DIVIDENDS.—Howell, Liverpool, bookseller; first div. of 2s. ld. July 12, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Kenrick, Birkenhead; first div of Is. 10d. July 12. or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Hardman, Liverpool, merchant; fourth div. of rtel. July 12, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Russell, Liverpool, merchant ; third div, of fd. July 12, or any subse- quent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Rennie, Liverpool, merchant ; first div. of 2s. 24. July 12, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Moffatt, Liverpool, mer- chant ; second div. of Id. July 12, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird, Liverpool- Eippon, West Condorth, lime-burner; second and final dn. of 21d. on the separate estate, July 10, or any subsequent Saturday ; Waklev, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Caile, Whitehaven, grocer; first and final div. of ls. 21d. "July 10. or any subsequent Sa- turday Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-J. and W. Todd. Yates, saddlers'-uonmon- gers ; first die, of 2s. July 15, or any subsequent Thursday • Freeman, Leeds - Ing- ham, Doncaster, grocer; first div. of 5s. July 12, or any subsequent Monday; Free- men, Sheffield. SCOTCH SRQIIR9TRATIONS.—J. and J. M'Clumpha, Edinburgh. tailors, July 14, Aug. 4-Pullar, Glasgow, ham-curer, July 13, Aug. 11-Eico22, Gouroek, innkeeper, July 14, Aug. 4-Hutton, Edinburgh, dasher, July 15, Aug. 10-Thomson, °Bran, Ayrshire, miller, July 13, Aug. 7.