IT is extremely gratifying to us, and we know that we may express to our readers the thanks of the " Children's Country Holidays Fund," when we can acknowledge, as we do below, donations received during the past week which more than double the total that had reached us by Wednesday, June 30th.
We are convinced that there are few ways in which money could be better spent in giving health and pleasure to others, and none who, as a body, need more or benefit more by this form of charity than the London children who are selected, so far as funds allow, by the Committee of the Fund. When we had to announce last week that the Fund was faced with the _necessity of reducing the number of children sent into the country to 2,800 less than the number sent last year, we were sure our readers would respond as generously as they have. The Spectator Fund will remain" open until the end of this month, by which time we hope it will reach- a total of £500.
s. d.
s. d.
Amount already
' Lt.-Col. J. IC Horlick 1 0 0 acknowledged • . 81 17 0 Col. Mountsteven .. 1 0 0
Received since June
Robert Grant .. 2 0 0
. 30th : .
Geoffrey E. Duveen 1 0 • 0 Mr.' Stopford
3 0 0 Sackville 5 0
Mrs. Laybourne ..
1 0
5 0 0 L. S. Cobham ..
1 0 0
Thomas Taylor ..
1 0 0
M. P. K.
10 0 Margaret Haslam 1 0 0 "In Memory of
Margaret Woodburn 1 0 0 Hamilton" .. 10 0 0 Tod 1 0 0 R. Mackay ..
5 0 M. M. .. 1 0 0
10 0 H. Goose ..
10 0 C. E. A. .. 5 0 0
1 0 0 M. A. .. 5 0 0 Miss Johnston .. 1 0 0 Hon. Lady Forbes.
10 0 Leith .. 1 0 0 Miss E. Gooch .. 1 0 0 Mrs. Hall .. 2 0 0 E. Armitage Ogden 12 0 0 Mrs. A. Anstruther 10 0 0
1 0 0 Miss Margaret Pace 2 0 0 Lord Lee of Fareham 5 5 0 Edward Robson .. 2
0 0
R. O. Shewanl .. 1 0 0 Joseph Thorpe .. 1
1 0
Thomas S. Porter ..
1 0 0
Alec L. Rea
2 2 0 Lord Glendyne ..
10 0 Col. Percy Burton 10 0 0 Capt. Stewart Liberty 1 0
196 2 0 L. G. Sloan 2 2 0 Total to date ..