Ruling the waves
From Julius Wroblewski
Sir: Charles Clover's piece on the world's declining fish stocks (Tins ain't what they used to be', 3 July), good as it was, missed its chance to illuminate a greater picture.
We are still exploiting the oceans in the crude, unsophisticated manner of huntergatherers. Can you imagine how little meat, grain and fruit would be available to us if we still relied on the hand-to-mouth strategies of Neanderthal man? It certainly would not be nearly enough to sustain six billion souls, that's for certain. Despite the ranting of the silliest of the Greens, we must get serious about aquaculture and fish farming if we are to keep the fish markets open. And we will have to get rid of the 'tragedy of the commons' state of affairs that rules the waves. Until someone has solid property rights over stretches of the ocean, irresponsibility will reign.
Julius Wroblewski
Vancouver, Canada