Dr. Manning was consecrated second Catholic Archbishop of Westminster on
Thursday, at Moorfields, with great state. Dr. Ullathorne, the Bishop of Birmingham, and all the Roman Catholic Bishops, except those of Liverpool, Shrewsbury, and Hexham, were present, and all of course gorgeously dressed. Dr. Newman was also present. Dr. Manning is a born ecclesiastical dignitary, and would probably have been by this time Archbishop of York or Canterbury in our own Church if he had kept to safe theology. Dr. Newman will always be Dr. Newman, though his writings have probably gained more English converts to Rome than all the other Roman Catholic books of this century put together. He is too imaginative, too human, too individually scrupulous, and anxious-minded, too large in thought, and too critical in action, for a key-stone in a great ecclesiastical organi- zation. Dignities are reserved for eithen the strong, somewhat coarse, external intellects of such men as Cardinal Wiseman, or the thin, unhealthy logic and sacerdotal fanaticism of men like Pio Nono and the new Archbishop of Westminster.