We have stated elsewhere reasons for believing that, while the
great Powers are for the moment pausing and deliberating, the German Emperor in particular summoning Prince Bismarck from Lauenburg, the danger of war between the Porte and Servia and Montenegro is greater than ever. We may add here, that the Berlin correspondent of the Times, who is exceptionally well-informed as to any view the German Chancellor wishes to be believed, persistently affirms that this war will come, and on Thursday telegraphed that M. Miletics, leader of the Servian party in Hungary, asserts delibe- rately that a " Servian war against the Turk is now more abso- lutely certain than anything else in the world." Our impression is that this is substantially a correct view, and that the Powers mean at first to "make a ring," and let Turkey and her subjects fight it out. That is perfectly fair, if only Greece, half whose natural subjects are still ruled by Turkey, is allowed to join in, as if she were still a vassal State.