The Yunnan Mission has reached Calcutta, having marched safely through
China from east to west, having investigated the murder of Mr. Margery, and having been. treated with distin- guished consideration. We have not therefore to avenge the --murder of Mr. Grosvenor, which is matter for congratulation. Mr. Grosvenor has proceeded to Simla, to explain matters to Lord Lytton, who is sick, and by the end of the Session we may expect to see his report presented to Parliament. According to a tele-
gram in the Times—which, however, will require confirmation— his report will exonerate Leeseetahi, the brigand chief, upon whom Pekin throws the responsibility for the murder of Mr. Margery, and accuse Imperial soldiers of the deed ; but nothing is yet officially known, except that Mr. Grosvenor passed safely through regions where, five years ago, an Englishman's life would have been less regarded than that of a sheep.