The young King of Spain landed at Portsmouth on Monday
on hisS visit to King Edward. He was received by the Prince of Wales, with all usual ceremonial, and has since reviewed troops at Aldershot, visited the Roman Catholic Cathedral at Westminster, and lunched at the Guildhall, where he made a speech in English full of good feeling and hopes of future understanding, which his Majesty hinted would be "fraught with political and commercial advantages." He made, of course, no allusion to the Armada, but spoke with heartiness of the "many battles" which the two nations have fought aide by side. The weather has been in a capricious, not to say persecuting, mood; and the young king has bad an accident, which, however, did not injure him, his motor-car taking fire while he was shopping in Bond Street; but he has everywhere been well received, and there has been no proof of the necessity for the elaborate precautions which, nevertheless, were taken for his safety. The general impression of the King's personality seems to be entirely favourable.