With Mr. Balfour's Albert Hall speech Mr. Chamberlain pronounced himself
perfectly satisfied. "What did Mr. Balfour say ? He said last night, Tariff Reform will be the most important part of Unionist policy. He said, Colonial Preference is the most important part of Tariff Reform. He said, Colonial Preference will therefore be the first item in the future Unionist programme. Then be asked all of us through that great audience that the question which, as be truly says, touches the whole of the Empire should be referred to the . Conference representing the whole Empire. He urged, lastly, that the Conference should be absolutely free, and he asked that all. who were represented at that Conference, the Mother- land as well as the Colonies, should be free afterwards to consider and to deal with the results, whatever they may be. Here is the official programme to which I most heartily subscribe." This interpretation, which is destined to become a landmark in the history of the Unionist party, has been the subject of fierce controversy, but not a word has been said in repudiation of it by Mr. Balfour.