2ndi Lord Inchcape made apeeeht.fult of good sense: to, the
Dundee ,Chamber of Commerce.-. He declared, that he was more cosrsineed than ever-tbat. State- tradinge.watc. an: expensive -lintegy.: Under, -Free Trade our. manufacturers - had -developed their -wonderful laoility in turning; raw materials., into finished .produets:. For. his part .hehad made. hisdivelihood by-transporting,the raw material to this -country andby,.con... veying the menufaetured goods-to all-parts of the :world: Ship-
ping was industry-that could look after itself if left same..
There waern.monopoly -of the sea and British shipowners did not ask for one-. The: British -MereantileMarine had ths.experi-- enem-of ages behind it-and -had nothing-to. fear Jon the future.. He appealed to. the Government to. maintain -law and order„to. exercise the; most. .rigid .econontv. and to let the traders manage their own business.