St. Luke. With Introduction and Notes by Lonsdale Ragg. (Methuen.
15s. net.)—This new volume of the Westminster Commentaries is admirably edited and will interest the educated layman, for whose use it is mainly intended. Mr. Ragg deals with the authorship and main features of the Gospel in an introduction of fifty pages. The text and commentary are continuous. Each section of the text—which is that of the Revised Version—is preceded by a brief exposition and followed by detailed notes. Textual criticism is reduced to a minimum, so that readers who know no Greek will meet with few difficulties. Mr. Ragg's attitude is conservative, but he shows himself well acquainted with the latest criticism, including Mr. Cadbury's attempt to show that St. Luke did not make any exceptional use of medical terms. Renan, as he reminds us, called this Gospel " the most beautiful book ever written."