Sta.—I applaud the courage and honesty of the Rev C.
G. Wilson's letter, but I wonder whether courage and honesty do' not force one to go even further than he does. He would want to convey to a daughter his own deep conviction that sex without love or commitment is 'meaningless, frustrating and dis- appointing.' For him, that is. Can he not recognise that this is not necessarily the case: that for some people sex can be appreciated at two (at least) different levels, neither exclusive of the other? A completely truthful pattern of advice would have to include mentioning the possibility of sex being a marvellous enjoyment merely at the level of appetite. So I wonder if Mr Wilson will also face up to giving the straight answer to the daughter's next question. which is that there is only one sure way of discover- ing at which level. or levels, sex is going to be found to be meaningful and fulfilling for any person. And that is by having it.
Old Shire Hall, Durham