10 JUNE 1966, Page 15

The Franks Commission

Stn.--I fear Dr Bryan Wilson (June 3) is getting himself very confused between advertising, gimmicks and what is regarded as perfectly legitimate means of helping the press to do their job. First public relations is not advertising, second the organisation of one briefing lunch and one press conference can- not, by the wildest flights of imagination, be described as compromising democratic discussions by extensive propaganda.

Dr Wilson is quite rightly keen on accuracy, so may 1 point out that my firm was appointed by his University and not by the Franks Commission.

Your other correspondent, Mr Dodson. has man- aged to read more into my letter than was there. However, I can assure him that no unusual methods were used to present the Franks Report and he need not therefore be quite so suspicious of public rela- tions as appears to be the case.