10 MARCH 1877, Page 1


THE situation has remained unaltered through the week. The Russian Government has mobilised eight more corps d'armie, and has despatched. General Ignatieff to Berlin and Faris, and possibly London, to sound the Courts, and state that if the Powers will not use their collective right under the Treaty of Paris to interfere in Turkey, Russia must act separately, and without reference to that Treaty. Every kind of object is attri- buted to General Ignatieff, but his own account of Russia's objects, communicated through his secretary to the Berlin journals, ulay prove to be the most accurate. The Secretary denies that Russia can withdraw without some tangible result, or that the Russian Government can " help taking the interest in the South Slavonians imperiously demanded by the Russian nation." They were compelled by their close international interests with those races "to take proceedings against Turkey." it was believed at St. Petersburg that Turkey would ultimately yield, as she had formerly believed she would find allies, an illusion dispelled by Lord Salisbury; but "if Russia were forced to unsheathe the sword, she would do ao in the most energetic manner." It will be no ted that the negotiations are not advancing, and that Montenegro now asks, in addition to the port of Spizza, the fortresses of Niksich and Spur. Niksich, the Turks say, cannot be surrendered.