The March number of The Sunday Magazine is an exceptionally
strong one—strong, too, in virtue of what may be termed the secular articles. Thus, there is an excellent paper on" Calabria," by Mr. E. W. Wood ; and "In Search of a Profession," is a very readable and even quietly humorous account of a peculiar experience by an adventurer—of the better sort—in the Sandwich Islands. Canon Atkinson indicates very effectually in "A Yorkshire Parish Tea" how the clergy and their parishioners may be brought together, even in the present democratic days, and to the profit of both. It is too soon to pronounce a judgment upon "The Lost Ideal," the new serial story by the writer who still prefers to be known by her maiden name of Annie S. Swan. It must suffice to say that she here flies at higher game, intellectual and social, than she has hitherto done ; this is an experiment which can only be justified by success.