The results of Sir Stanley Maude's blow at the Turks
have sur- passed all expectations. The Turkish Army, ever since it was turned out of its strong positions at Kut by the hurricane strokes of Sir Stanley Maudo's strategy, and his feat of bridging the Tigris right in the face of the enemy, has been falling back on Baghdad. The speed of the retreat has slackened in the last few days, but the Turks leave in their tracks all the signs of disorganization. At the end of last week General Maude reported t hat more than five thousand Turkish prisoners had been taken si nee December 13th, and that the total losses of the Turks in that period had been about twenty thousand. On Thursday we learn that a great many more prisoners have been taken, and that Turkish war in aterial has been collected over eighty miles of country. Thirty-eight guns have been captured, not including machine guns and trench mortars.