10 MARCH 1917, Page 10


The situation created by the Shortage of Food and the continued destruction of cereals in the manufacture of intoxicants is so serious that we have determined to ask our readers to subscribe, on as generous a scale as possible, to a movement to awaken the British people to the dangers they are running by neglecting to insist that Bread must come before Beer. After careful considera- tion we have come to the conclusion that the best way in which we can accomplish this end is by supporting " The Strength of Britain Movement "-an organization conducted by capable business men. Their object is the " Spectator's " object-to obtain Prohibition during the War.

Subscriptions should be addressed to THE " SPECTATOR,"

I Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C., 2.

The letters "D. G." should be clearly written on the envelope. Cheques should be made payable to the " Spectator" and crossed " Barclay & Co., Goslings' Branch, Spectator ' D. G.' Account," or can be paid direct into the Spectator "D. G." account as above. The receipt of subscriptions will be acknowledged in our columns.

The following subscriptions have been received by us for the above Fund:- Brought forward, £1,540 2s. •, Miss Ai kenhead, LI ; Mn.s E. E. Billington, £2 : Fri. and Silas Given, LI 10s. ; M. G., 2s. ed. ; G. W. Lloyd, £5 ; I'. W. Prickett, 13 3s. ; B. R. 0., E. ; Miss A. Grossmith, is. • J. S. W., 105. ; Col. and Mrs. F. Lee, £2 N. ; F., 11 ls.; -F. I. T., 15 ; . Miss M. LaMarque, 55. ; M. A. 11, £1 le. ; P. A. Hoekett, I25. ; J. Thomson, M.D., LI ; J. E. Walker, £5 ; Miss E. C. Aitken. £2 •, Mrs. Cox, 10s. • MIAS F. O. Frost, £2 2s. ; Miss 1.. B. Frost, £2 2a. ; Miss Geldart, 10s. &l. ; Omon GOodall, £1 Is. ; Mini K. Hewlett, 5s. ; Mrs. G. M. Holdswcuth, 55. ; 1). 'Higbee, 10s. Gd. ; "Ignota," £1 Is. •, Miss C. Irvine, £1 ; Sirs. Jackson, 10e. ; the Maws Jackson, Ms.; W. A. MaeGiliivray, 10s. Od. ; A. MacLennan, £1 Is. : H.

Mldie-Cooke, 25.'; 0. B., 25. &I. ; " Pat," 2s. • ' H. PrIltley, 101. •, W. Scott,

El Is.; Miss A.Walker,10s.; SlissWcich, Ild.; Capt. 1. It. Williamson, R.A.SLC., El la. ; 0. Friedman, £5 ; Mrs. 0. Priestman, £2 ; Private It.A.M.C., 10d. • W. Barlow, £2 ; Mrs. Si. G. Bonitbeo (2nd donation), 105. ; 0. W. Dodds,' 12 2s. ;_ Miss Foster, £3 3s. ; Mrs. Gibbs, Is. ; E. S. C., ls. ; Cleave, 11 ; H. D. B., £5 ; 0. W. S. Howson, £1 la.; Mrs. Kendal, 105.; P. S. A., £5 5a.; Mrs. L. Gib heist Thompson (3rd donation). 190 ; J. D. Steel, £1 is.; Bev: P. H. tinwin, 5s. ;

Mrs. E. Bogue, £20 ; Miss Bogue ; 3Ir5. T. S. Crawley, £1 ; Aid. A. Hinton, .j.P.;

12 2s. ; J. and E. Si. D., 10s'. ; J. F. Jordan, £1 la. ; Col. I. Kirkpatrick, Ll;

Lady Rucker, £1; Rev. J. W. Simister, 5s. Total, £1,747 17s. 10d.

M.* Owing to a typographical error, the following subscriptions were omitted from our last week's list, although included hi the total amount:-Alex. Allan of Aron, £2; Mrs. Brownlie, Cs.; J. bailie, 5s.; D. It. Henry, £1 Is.; Miss A. Smith, SO, R. M. Smith, £50; V. W. Dixon, 11.) Will Subscribers kindly give their full titles and say whether Mrs. or Miss, when sending cheques to the above Fund, so that their names may appear correctly in our list?.