SIR,—May I stress an aspect of the Catholic schools controversy
which is commonly neglected? The inability of Catholics to meet the cost of building their schools is due 'largely to the policy of the late Government. The cheap money and " full " employment policies have aggravated inflationary pressure and forced up the 'cost of building, which has also
been raised by official insistence upon improved standards and amenities which are admirable but perhaps too costly in relation to the nation's present means and other obligations.
Concurrently, high taxation—in conjunction with the higher cost of living 4rising from inflation—has diminished the ability to save, par- ticularly of those classes who normally provide the bulk of the funds for the building of schools. These acts of Government were not specifically directed against Catholics, but their effect has beten to frustrate the carry- ing out by Catholics of the settlement under the Education Act.—Yours faithfully, LAURENCE WIIXINSON. 33 Murray Road, Wimbledon. S.W.I9.