10 MAY 1834, Page 9


Seldom if ever since the termination of the war has the Medway as- sumed a more bustling appearance than at present. Three line cf battle ships lie at Sheerness, in readiness to proceed to sea as soon as manned. The Hastings, 74, is only waiting for provisions to enable her to sail to Lisbon, to bear the flag of the Commander-in- Chit•f' • and the Russel, 74, has been ordered to be equipped for service wit''. all possible despatch.—Globe. [ Well done, Lord Palmerston !1

Lord Melbourne has communicated to the High Bailiff of Birming- ham that it is not the intention of Government to proceed at present with the Corporation Bill introduced last session by the Chancellor.— Leamington Free Press.

By the death of the Rev. Mr. Davison, one of the Prebendaries of Worcester, a stall has become vacant in that cathedral ; and we under- stand that Lord Augustus Fitzelarence has been appointed to it.—