10 MAY 1845, Page 11



The English Funds were very heavy for the last two days; some speculative sales of minor importance having occurred, and the gloom thus thrown over the market being increased by the sale of more than 100,0001. Reduced Three per per Cent Stock for Money. The combined operation of these causal forced down prices to quotations from to per rent below those of last week. The intel- 1 gen e received from the United States this morning although not of a very de- cided character, has completely changed the appearance of the Stock Market. Consols, which were yesterday done at 981 for the Account, have this morning reached 991, marking an improvement of per cent between the lowest priceof yesterday and the highest of today: the market has since given way slightly; aud it closes at 981 1 for Money, and 98i 99 for the Account. Bank has been as low as 2081; but is today quoted at 209 and 2091 for Money. India Stock has been marked at 276 for Money, and 277/ for the Account. The pre- mium of Exchequer Bills has been and continues depressed to 542. to 56s. An occasional demand for money has occurred in the English Stock Exchange, and discounts are not obtainable so easily at low rates as they have been; but there is not and caimot be any material change in the value of money, 80 long as the Bank of England continues to make loans at the rate of 21 per cent. The Foreign Stocks have been depressed, in consequence of the decline of the English Funds; but the transactions in them generally have been of so unimport- ant a character as scarcely to afford subject for remark. They are today gene- rally at higher prim, from sympathy with the English Funds. Mexican Bonds were rally affected, and declined nearly 1 per cent; but they have rallied about per cent upon the arrival of this morning's news from the United States. Spanish Stock has also experienced about the same degree of fluctuation; and it closes this afternoon at about the same advance upon the low quotations. The most remarkable feature in Spanish Stock is the great improvement in the Pas- sive Bonds, which have risen nearly. 1 per cent, and are today quoted at 8- This advance is the consequence, we believe, of the reagitation of a scheme for convert- ing the Deferred and Passive Bonds into Active Stock bearing a low rate of inte- rest. The decree regulating the new conversion of Portuguese Bonds, the main provisions of which we formerly stated, has made its appearance. The new Bonds will not be ready till after the 19th instant, and we cannot learn that any large amount of Stock has been sent in for conversion. The initiative in this matter will probably be taken by the foreign holders; and we believe that Stock hap been sent over both from Hamburg and Holland to be converted.

The history of the Railway Share Market may be written in one word—de-

cline. Scarcely any of the current varieties have maintained last week's q,uotations, and most of the newer Shares are from 11. to 21. lower; some of them

actually unsaleable. A slightly better feeling has pervaded the market today; but it has not caused any improvement in prices. The French Shares are ge- nerally lower, though prices have not declined to any great extent. The Belgian lines are also heavy, in some cases at a decline of 11. per share in consequence of the onerous terms with which the Belgian Government clog; the concession of the contemplated lines; not only insisting upon a low maximum of fares, but also upon a large proportion of the profits under the head of rent.

S■TOZDAN, Twu.vn o'ctoce.. There is no change of moment in the prices of either the English or Foreign Funds. The Railway Shares are also nearly at yesterday's quotations, but the tone of the market is better. We can as yet only notice the occurrence of the following bargains: Caledonian, 101; Churnet, 61; Dublin and Galway, 31; Eastern Counties, 1; Hull and Selby, 106; Biriningbara, 233; Ditto, Quarter- shares, 32; Brighton, 63; Croydon, 18; Midland, 456; New North British, 4i; Scottish Midland., 34: Bordeaux and Toulouse, 211; Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Cette, 21; Great North of Franco, (Lafitte's,) j; Great North of France, (ltoaarnefs,) 2k; Louvain and Jemappe, 411; Sambre and Meuse, 10e.


The English Market has been very buoyant; Consols for Account having been at 991: but the closing quotations are h per cent lower, being 981 99 for Money, and 99 h for Account. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally firmer, but there has been no business of moment. Spanish Stock has improved about per cent; while the demand for Passive Bonds continues, and, after being at 81, the closing quotation is si 1.

There is no material change in Railway Shares, but the markets may be con- sidered as rather firmer. We have to notice the following bargains in addition to

Cam- bridge and Lincoln, 71; Chester and Holyhead, 161; Churnet Valley 6 6i 1 ; those given in the morning: Bristol and Gloucester, 591; Caledonianjell.1 ; Cam- Cornwall, 41; Direct Northern, 31; Great Southern and Western, Ireland„) 221; Great North of England, 196; 'Ditto, Neer, 201; Great Western, 185; Ditto, FIftlis, 411; Harwich, 1; Blackwell, 81; Brighton 631 62*; South-western, 789k 71; I4ndon and York, 41 1; Midland, 155; Ditto, New, 18 17j; Newark and Sheffield, 41; Sonth-eastern and Dover, 394; Ditto, New, 611 C. South. Wales, 6 5i ; Scottish Ceara], 61; Cork suid Waterford, 21 1. 3 per Cent Consols ... • • 984 99 Cohunblan ex Veneznela• • • 154

Ditto for Account 99 I Danish 3 per Cents 89 91

Spar Cent Reduced 934 I Dutch 24 per Cents ..... 681 1 34 per cents moil 1. Ditto 4 per Cents Long Annuities 114 4 Belgian 24 per cents 971!

Bank Stock for Account ... 209 11 Mexican 5 per Cents. 32 } Exchequer Bills prem. 54 6 Ditto Deferred 174 276 8 Portuguese New 5 p. Cla.1841 66 67

88 9 BOW= 5 per Cents 118 120 99 100 Spanish (Active) S perCenta 304 al 98 100 Ditto 3 Cents 1842.

Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 4} per Ceuta

Chili= 6 per Ceuta