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THE QUEEN has held a Court and a Levee ; she has received addresses from the Houses of Parliament and the City of London ; and she has .given a State Ball. At the Court., on Saturday, Baron Brunow had audience, to an- nounce the accession of the Emperor Alexander; and the Earl of Claren- don also had audience. The Lords and Commons went up to Buckingham Palace with their addresses on Thursday; and on the same day the Corporation of London presented their address. To each of these her Majesty returned a gracious answer.
On the same day, the Grand Vizier, Aali Pasha, had an audience, to present Prince Albert with the Order of the Mejidie in diamonds.. The Queen gave a state ball on Thursday. Nearly two thousand persons were invited. The new state apartments, richly decorated, and ornamented with flowers, statues, and paintings, were opened for the first time. In the ball-room, under the Queen's throne, there was an allegorical representation of " Britannia sanctioning Peace." Above, the rooms were lighted with gas ; below, with wax candles. The "lion" of the ball-room was the Grand Vizier Aali Pasha, in a handsome Turk- ish uniform. After supper, her Majesty danced in a quadrille with the Duke of Buceleuch, Prince Albert, the Princess Royal, the Duke and Princess Mary of Cambridge, and Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar. On Friday, the Queen and Prince Albert assisted at the " Peace Cele- bration Fête" in the Crystal Palace, Sydenham. In the evening they went to the Haymarket Theatre.
The Queen, Albert, and the elder children, attended Divine ser- vice in Westminster Abbey on Sunday.
The Princess of Salerno, the Prince and Princess de Joinville, and tho Duke and Duchess d'AuMale, visited her Majesty on Monday. The list of guests at Buckingham Palace this week, includes the names of the French Ambassador and Countess de Persigny, Baron Brunow, the Prussian Minister and Countess Bernstorff, Earl and Countess Granville, the Earl and Countess of Derby, the Earl and Countess of Clarendon, the Earl and Countess of Ellesmere, the Earl of lialmesbury, Lord and La.dy John Russell, Sir James and Lady Graham, and Lord Cowley.