The United States and the League Only very tempered hopes
should be based on the• introduction in the American Senate, on Tuesday; of a: resolution proposing the entry of the United States into membership of the League of Nations under mtain'con- ditions. The conditions themselves create no difficulty, for they go no further than reservations already embodied in the League Covenant itself. There is, moreover, a large volume of opinion in the United States whole- heartedly favourable to the resolution which Senator Pope has proposed. • But the isolationist opposition, there is every reason to believe, is stronger still. It is no more than three months since the President failed to persuade the Senate to decide by the necessary two-thirds majority for the very limited step of American member- ship of the Permanent Court of International Justiee. Lord Hailsham a• few days ago enunciated once again the old dictum that this country and the United States between them could maintain the peace of the world. Theoretically that may be true enough. Actually there is not at present the smallest - sign of any such effective co-operation as would even make peace less insecure than it is already.