Commemorative Trees
Since my recent note on Jubilee commemorations I have had an opportunity of seeing the contribution to this subject by the Council for the Preiervation of Rural England.' This is a ten-page pamphlet by Mr. W. Dallimore, Keeper of the Museums at Kew, with some practical notes by Mr. A. D. C. Le Sueur, the well-knewn authority on trees, of the Royal English Forestry Society. It is an admirable little work, suecinet and well-informed, with brief descriptions of scores of trees, .both native and foreign, and indications as to the soil and situations which suit each of them. There need be no lack of imagination in the selection of trees. All the larger well-known trees, except the elm, which is not recom- mended, will be planted as a matter of course. It is the medium trees which may be overlooked : the Chinese maples, which colour splendidly hi autumn ; the Juneberry, which bears white blossom in spring and also colours in autumn ; the Indian Bean, a species of Catalpa, with immense heart- shape leaves and white tubular flowers with basal markings of yellow and purple ; the Judas tree, of legendary associa- tions, bearing pink pea-shaped flowers in May ; the cucumber tree, with large and handsome leaves and shapely growth ; and that charming tree, for some reason out of fashion now, the mul- berry, which will live for two hundred years and even longer. And lastly, is it heretical to suggest that two Irish trees, the Irish yew and the Irish juniper, should be planted wherever evergreens are required ? Both are dignified columnar trees, one blackish blue and the other bluish, and are far shapelier and livelier in every way than their English counterparts.