[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,--Last year you were kind enough to publish an article on thencheme which was being inaugurated by the Universities' Council for Unemployed Camps.
In the summer of 1934 nine camps, staffed by under- graduates and each with accommodation for 100 unemployed men, were run by the Council in different parts of the country, each camp lasting for four weeks. These camps proved most successful, and, to quote the words of an unemployed miner at one of them, "were doing more than anything else he knew to crush out the spirit of class-hatred and misunderstanding."
full report. upon these camps, for those who desire more information on the subject, may be obtained from the Hon. Organizing Secretary, Mr. E. B. Grant, 53 Chesterton Road; Cambridge.
The Council have been requested, and hoped to have been able, to increase the number of their camps this year, and the undergraduates are volunteering in sufficient numbers for service on the staff to make this increase possible, but, unfor- tunately, an appeal circulated recently has met with so small a response that the Council are faced with the obligation to reduce rather than increase the number of camps which they can afford to run.
We would appeal to all your readers, especially to those whose University days are now over, not to allow this very Valuable work being carried on by the present generation to fail for lack of money.
Contributions should be sent to one of the Hon. Treasurers : For the Oxford Camps to Sir Charles Harper, K.B.E., C.M.G., 13 Belbroughton Road, Oxford ; for the Cambridge Camps to J. A. Pope, Esq., M.A., C.I.E., Magdalene College, Cam- bridge ; for the London Camps to G. H. V. Hart, Esq., 1 Ladbroke Road, Epsom, Surrey.—Yours faithfully, F. J. Li-s, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University; J. F. CAMERON, Vice-Chancellor of Cam- bridge University ; C. E. RAVEN, Regius Prof. of Divinity, President of the U.C.U.C. ; SonEfts ; G. H. A. Wimos, Master of Clare College, Cambridge; W. R. HALLIDAY, Principal of King's College, London ; A. D. EMDEN, Principal of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford ; B. K. CUNNINGHAM, Principal of Westcott House, Cambridge ; J. B. S. HALDANE, Dean of King's College, London ; M. Sims-WiwAms—Vice-Presidents.
53 Chesterton Road, Cambridge.