The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : The
measure of the success of the Prime Minister in the Foreign affairs debate was the fact that Mr. Lloyd George when he heard it abandoned his 'intention to speak. Mr. MacDonald's pronouncement, which he took the precaution of reading verbatim,. produced a unanimity of outlook and purpose certainly unknown in this Parlia- ment and probably unknown in any Parliament since the War. The usual woolly-minded contribution was made by Mr. Lansbury, who is in the difficult position of having to combine his own extreme pacifism with the necessity of expressing the realist view of an Opposition that may one day be the Government. But it was clear that the great bulk of the Labour 'Party had no illusions about what the present temper Of Germany foreboded. A word of praise is due to the remarkable speech of Lord Crankourne, the Parliamentary Private Secretary of Mr. Eden. It is probably unprecedented for a Parlia- mentary Private Secretary to speak about the affairs of his Chief's department, but he did it with such modesty and restraint, and with that engaging Cecilian air of shy authority, that he disarmed criticism and received at the close a round of applause of a warmth rarely accorded to one who is not a Privy Councillor.
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