Current Travel News
U.S.A. and Canada
OUR public counsellors are once again voicing tho opinion that universal peace will never be assured until Atherica and Britain show a joint front to the rest of the world, and it is pointed out to he that the best way to bring about this desired result is for the peoples of both' countries to get to know one another More intimately, and so be able to sympathize With each other's interests more -closely: Mr. John Buchan stated; on his recent returie,froin- America; that Americans appeared to play their part in this matter better than ourselves. Ap- parently Americans appreciate our pointof view' better than we appreciate theirs be= cause they take the trouble tO'see us. in our min country, and come to -know ,us as we really are. Britenido not reciprocate half as niueh.' This may be a Matter of tempera= Mont or economics, or perhaps a combine. : tioh of-both.' We are hot in the first' place such inveterate travellers as are the Americans. To many PeoPle inthis .cifitititry there has, -too, -remaitted a' doubt whether the hospitality one -expects:MI-a. holiday weld& be forthcoming on America's shores. Immigration quotas, :Passport difficulties, Gangdom and so on have received so much unfavourable =publicity as io react -against the interests ,of the American travel in- dustry, And besides this, of cdurse, there has been the question of the high cost of Atlantic fares. For various -reasons prices in America rule considerably lower today, particularly in hotels :and restaurants and on railways, than they slid a year or two ago., Atlantie fares themselves have been reduced, and the Tourist class of 'steamer, introduced a few years back, with its lower range of fares, has proved 4 definite incen-. tive to our people to see the American
continent. - •. • * * *
One can almost say it is as cheap now to go there for a short tour as it would be to undertake an average cruise or to go for a month's holiday by the sea. Actually, it is possible to journey to New York, spend a week sightseeing, and return home again for an outlay of less than £50. Such a sum would include Tourist class passage, ac- commodation at reputable hotels, first-class transportation by motor coach and steamer in and about New York as well as tho inci- dental cost of a full programme of sight- seeing. A far greater sum than this is often spent on leas instructive and less enter- taining holidays of no longer duration than the three weeks the above tour would occupy. Tho question of hospitality can well be left to the shipping companies which now shoulder the responsibility of this by arranging special tours themselves. In the- new Cunard White Star leaflet Sec America This Year, a whole series of tours to U.S.A. and Canada have been planned. As an alternative to the week's visit to New York and district, an interesting six days may be had visiting Quebec first of all ; then proceeding up the St. Lawrence river to Montreal, and going on from there to Toronto, Niagara Falls, and spending the final day_ and a half in New York before embarking for the return Atlantic trip. From the time of arrival at Quebec to the time of leaving the United States capital the tour costs £16. This is naturally more expensive than the New York-tour, which involves no long train 'journeys and is quoted at -£8 10s. Atlantic return fares vary according to the class of vessel used.
• ...Minimum rates arc approximately as fol. lows: First-class, £82 Ss.; Cabin class, £53; Tourist class, £39 Ss.; Third-class, £29 15s.
* a * The Canadian Pacific Railway have also published a leaflet showing the special short .tours r- in the United States and Canada -which may be had this season by their
organization.,,. Week-End Inclusive Tour to Canada by the famous 'Empress of Britain' is the shortest of their range.