Current Travel News
IC may be begun at Southampton on June 8th or at hi-weekly intervals after that, the tour occupying twelve days and costing from £87 5s. First-class, 5:46 10s. Tourist, and £33 10s. third. In all 16 U.S.A. and Canada tours are detailed in the leaflet re- ferred to. They occupy between 19 days and 30 days and cost from £48 5s. to £90 15s., which fare includes Tourist cabin, First-class rail in Canada, hotel accommo- dation, sightseeing drives, and all gratuities excepting those on Atlantic steamers.
The Canadian National Railways have also a tempting list of summer tours to offer. They have planned a series of Ten tours, beginning with the sailing of the 'Duchess of Atholl ' on June 14th from Liverpool (or Belfast) or from. Greenock the following day. Quebec is reached on June 21st, and visits are made to Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara Falls, returning via Toronto to Montreal for re-embarkation a. week later. The Rost of this tour is £59 10s. inclusive. Other sailings are at weekly intervals, and fixes vary from £53' to £83 10s., according to the duration of the tour and distance covered, which at times includes part of the U.S.A.
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• The Blue Star liner Almada Star' is the first of three of this company's vessels plying the South American route to have under- gone extensive re-modelling. During the past few months this ship has been lengthened by as much as 60 feet to allow streamline bows to be fitted. At the same time its propellers have been substituted by some made of solid bronze, and it is hoped that these changes will help to im- prove the speed of the steamer and to eliminate vibration. Alterations in the pas- senger accommodation have also been made during the vessel's enforced idleness. New cabins with private bathrooms have been constructed; other accommodation brought up to date, and the deck space considerably enlarged. Similar changes will in due course be made to two sister ships : 'Avila Star' and Andalucia Star.'
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