"The Spectator" Crossword No. 137
[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of The first, correct solution of this week'i crossword puzzle to be opened.' Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue.]
.. ,, •
10 11
14' ' '
116 1
17 118
32 ...... j 28 ' 1 24 25
71 1 1
1 33 3 ACROSS 2. Formation suggesting an unmarried row of persons. 9. Cool green mat can be gathered into a round 14. This should elicit respect.
16. Near Oklahoma.
17. Beer and attention are often drawn from it.
18. All these clues require them.
20. Term peculiar to a particu- lar craft.
21. Mixed with each other.
25. "more horrible than that Is a . . . in a dead man's eye !
Seven days, seven nights, I saw that . .
And yet I could not die." 27. All of one piece.
29. In 3.
30 rev. In dispute (with 29). 32. this is crowded together.
33. Made from bolsters.
34. Urges that can be eaten ?
DOWN 1. Piet's lace (anag.).
2. In prolonged manner of a musician.
3. Where the secret of success- ful diplomacy lies ?
4. End of 19.
5. Collect in small quantities. 6. Decision of Moslem judge.
7. The answer is vague. 8. You will find this irritable.
10. Latin word Which ha's moved Many people.
11. Produces movement in - every body. 12. Makes a fisherman walk unsteadily ?
13. Judges of flavour. 15. Dwelling place Of St. Paul for over two years. 19. Being carried by horse in part of Yorkshire ? 22. "Until the morning of • Eternity Her. . . shall not begin nor end, but be ;
And when she wakes she will • not think it long."---5, Christina Rossetti.
23. Results are required. 24 rev. Found in 32 without a middle.
26. Ends 27.
28. Golfing beverage ?
31. In 27.