10 MAY 1957, Page 27



1 Scientists do over it in the nuclear age (4-3). 5 Patron saint of Hatfield, possibly (7).

9 Pectin's the stuff to examine (7).

10 Mixed red bits give colour to the eye (7).

11 A lad, a girl and I make it (10).

12 After the dance in Paris I go to the island (4).

13 It's always found in a large mustard-pot (3).

14 One run at a time on credit (I l).

17, 19 Time spent at the telephone kiosk'? (5, 6, 3) 20 'And so from hour to hour, we — and —' (S h a k espea re) (4).

22 The expert always announces a process to be itself (10).

26 N it done to cherish in hours? (7)

27 It sounds as if the snooper has a torch. Rather hard! (7)

28 There's not much future in this, says the palmist (3, 4).

29 There's a suggestion of a challenge in the end (7).


1 Terpsichorean wild oats in Scotland (5).

2 She and I finish with a duct, somewhat out of tune (9).

3 Oh, do let us buy a little spot of colour (7).

4 Piecework alternative for the coach (5).

5 The French in a rag under the taxi (9).

6 A hundred petition—for a drink? (4)

7 Nora gets a pound in change (5).

8 Lilian who can he found among barren leaves (9). 13 Common talk—hope so (9).

15 Fed like this, naturally he is round (9).

16 'Or in the night—some fear . . .' (Shakespeare (9).

18 Catch a mixed gin; it's top-hole! (7) 21 I enclose cash (5).

23 Stick to artificial jewellery (5).

24 'And courage never to submit or --' (Milton (5).

25 Fifty shekels for a bird! (4)

Two prizes will be awardeJ: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's I atieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon ma May 21 and addressed: Crossword No. 939, 99 Gower St., London, WCI. • Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on May 24 Solution to No. 937 on page 632 The w inners of Crossword No. 937 are: MISS FRANCIS DMA', 13 Apalcy Crescent, Bradlbecl 8, Yorks., and Mn. D. M. D'EArii, Sunnings Peartres Lane, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex.