10 MAY 2008, Page 57

Make or break


Iam heartbroken but for once it is not over a girl. I have to stay in the Bagel, hence missing The Spectator’s 180th anniversary party, Pug’s club’s first annual meeting in our new digs, Countess Bismarck’s dinner, Nick Scott’s shindig, and so on. Not having set foot in London in months, I was looking forward to it, but it’s not to be. I should be celebrating because one of the reasons I didn’t like living in London any more was Ken Livingstone. Now he’s voted out, Taki can come back in — it’s as simple as that.

One thing is for sure. London could do with a makeover. Better yet, a broken-window policy. It is hard to believe but the Bagel was saved by one man alone: Rudy Giuliani. I am no fan of that bald bully, but he did save the city. New York was unlivable in under David Dinkins, in the same way London is unlivable in now. People spit, swear, puke, fight, use knives, rob and play loud, disgusting music and no one does anything about it. In fact, London cops are as rare a sight as men with good manners. I remember, back before Rudy, crossing 59th Street on my way to a boxing gym on the West Side and daily being confronted by big, tough black men selling drugs. Now I’m no prude, but being harassed by drug-dealers on my way to train used to drive me nuts. I’d scream at them to f*** off and they would scream back at me. This in front of the Plaza Hotel, the chicest square in the Bagel.

No longer. Rudy put a stop to it, just as he stopped hoodlums menacing drivers on the toll bridges leading to the Hamptons. I used to take a baseball bat with me because if one didn’t pay them for wiping the windscreens, they would either spit at you or kick the car. I had young children with me who would get frightened. Pay them something, said their mother. It was what every fat cat did but I refused. It was a matter of principle and in the end the good guys won. Now, ever so slowly, it is starting again. Bloomberg is a phony who is out for himself and his rich friends. He hasn’t got the guts to stand up to demagogues, race hustlers and ‘advocates’ for troubled minorities. Crime is up as are murders. There are almost 10,000 fewer cops than under Rudy. Bloomberg will not pay the money. He also won’t stick up for cops when the race hustlers go after them — in fact, the contrary. But unlike London cops, Noo Yawk fuzz are out in the mean streets patrolling. Although these things are cyclical, I predict that the Bagel will go downhill quickly in a couple of years. Bloomie will by then be retired and playing the elder statesman. Some statesman. But back to London.

Here’s my unsolicited advice to Boris. Don’t fall for the paralysing cult of victimhood. Victimhood is what bums like Livingstone rely on. But he wasn’t interested in helping those outside looking in, only in making them feel more estranged and angry. It is not your fault is the demagogue’s bottom line. It’s their fault. They being the hard-working, law-abiding people who pay taxes so that the bums can get stoned all day and mug people at night.

I’ve just received a letter from South Africa, from Dr Roger Service, a PhD. The good doctor wrote to Gordon Brown about his concerns over the fate of whites in Zimbabwe, received a ludicrous answer from some flunkey in the Home Office praising Brown’s response to Mugabe’s crimes — his decision not to attend the EU–Africa summit — and that was it. When Dr Service wrote back about how he feared for the future of whites in South Africa there was obviously no response.

The only two productive countries in that miserable continent owed it all to white initiative and ingenuity, but our politicians treat that as a problem, the whites, that is. South African whites, like the poor Rhodesians before them, are regarded as the ills of colonialism who eventually have to be driven out. The great Ian Smith’s face was disfigured fighting in the RAF, and look what Britain did for him. Look what the mother country is doing for white South Africans today. Zilch. Yet if I dare to write the tiniest rebuke against some African or Muslim outrages over here, I’m immediately labelled a racist and threatened with hate speech. It goes to show how truly sick we have become. We respect only those non-Europeans who abuse and insult us, and we have a clown as head of the Church of England who thinks we could have some kind of Sharia law in this country. What’s next? A Muslim killing his daughter in Britain and invoking Sharia law the way that scumbag did in Basra last week?

Boris has won but I still won’t be holding my breath, though it will definitely be a good sign. I only hope he doesn’t start talking like a politician and looking to cover his back. Perhaps I’ll see you later, but perhaps not.