10 MAY 2008, Page 59

Simon’s success

Janet de Botton

Each year in February, Icelandair sponsors one of the best events in the bridge calendar. Held in Reykjavik it is a high-standard, international pairs and teams event, well run, super friendly and with that all-important smattering of World Champions and Internationals to pit your wits against.

This year the team’s tournament was won by my friend Simon Gillis, investment guru and fellow bridge sponsor. He played with Boye Brogeland, Norwegian world champion, with Odin Svendsen and Marianne Harding as team mates. Simon is never overshadowed by the superstars on his team and prides himself on rarely missing a slam. Here is a hand where he earned his side a sizeable swing. At the other table the opponents opened 2NT and stopped in 4♥, but Simon and Boye had higher ambitions.

Dealer East All vul.

After initially finding their heart fit, Simon ended up in the best slam of 6♣. West led the ♠J and he saw that he could discard dummy’s diamonds on his hearts if they broke. He also realised that if he took the trump finesse into East’s hand he would get a diamond shift before he found out. Simon opted instead to play a trump to dummy’s Ace. Noting West’s 9 he returned a small one and covered East’s ♣7 with his ♣8, catering for East holding 4 trumps. The 8 lost to West’s 10, but after winning the next spade he could test hearts and claim, leaving himself the option of the diamond finesse if all else failed.

Bravery, care and timing is everything for investment (and bridge) success.